Meeting Minutes
April 3, 2023
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on April 3,2023 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Rusty Beckel called the meeting to order at 8:36 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or by proxy with the exception of Desert Willow and Sun City Summerlin-Eagle Crest.
President’s Report: “Rusty” Beckel
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer Report: Sandy Jenkins
Secretary Report: Monica Kaili
Tournament Director(s) Report: Liz Bridge and Sherry Jackson
Vice President Report: Tracey BlakeTeam Play: Nancy Lauback
Committee Reports:
- SNGA Report: Ann Sunstrum / Kat Marks
- Rules: Sue May
- Handicap: Deanna Imboden
- Silver Cup Team Captains: Christine Soscia, Regina Quintero
- Golf Genius Website Updates: Sandy Barletta
- Parliamentarian: Kelly Nelson
Old Business
- Bylaw and Standing Rules Changes
- Associate Members Representative
- Expanded Tournament Committee Concept
New Business
- Volunteers for 2024 Nominating Committee
Next Meeting:
Request Motion to Adjourn
President Rusty Beckel asked if the delegates had reviewed the minutes from the January 2023 meeting. Sherry Jackson made a motion to accept the minutes as distributed and Sandy Jenkins seconded. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report-Sandy Jenkins report included the reading of the February Reconciliation Statement and which is available in an email previously sent to the delegates. Secretary Monica Kaili asked for clarification on the purchase of the CD that the Executive Board approved in January. Sandy stated that we transferred $15,000 from our accounts to a 1-year CD that will earn interest at a 4.8% rate and will mature in January 2024. We should earn approximately $600/year. Sandy subsequently added that the Executive Board has been discussing a plan to use more of our reserved funds to subsidize other events. She then presented the Draft Budget and Rusty asked for a vote to accept them. Monica Kaili made the motion and the second was made by Maureen Martin. Lastly, Sandy asked for volunteers to conduct an Audit of the 2022 books. Deanna Imboden was volunteered and Maureen Pechacek stepped up also.
Secretary Report-Monica Kaili stated that the booklets were handed out with electronic copies available to all the delegates. She thanked Margie Cashwell for her expertise in creating that document.
Tournament Director-Liz Bridge’s slide presentation included the upcoming tournaments. The first event will be the State Sr scheduled for April 17-18 at Mountain Falls and is full with 52 players but has asked Kat Marks if it’s possible to add a few more players. (See Kat’s report). She and Sherry Jackson had an opportunity to play there recently and reported that it is in fabulous shape. The Southern NV Am/SC Qualifier is half full and State Partners is about 1/3 full. The Fun Days are also going well, especially with pace of play. The next one is scheduled for Durango Hills in July with a great price point ($55) that includes more than just golf and brunch, Applications are not yet available but will be approximately 4-6 weeks before the date. The Fun Day at Mountain Falls is also moving forward to sometime in November. As a testament to how well our Fun Days have attracted play, Liz stated that there have been 4-5 players who have never played in one of our events. All handicap levels are enjoying themselves with these formats and the takeaway is to keep it Fun for All! Lastly, she wanted to remind us that the applications for the Invitationals can be found on our website.
Vice President-Tracey Blake mentioned that she is working on making minor cosmetic changes to the website and will also add historical data.
Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported that we are just past half-way through the Season. She thanked the captains for the pictures that were added to the Team Play portal and that can be uploaded from your phone straight to the portal-instructions included. Nancy suggested that for the 2024 Season, each team should take a “beginning of the year” picture to put a face with the team. She also thanked Bill Bowman from SNGA for his continued articles to promote WSNGA Team Play. You can access the portal and add to favorites with the following Click on Social and keep navigating. This is also a great tool for the Captains to look up past matches to strategize for upcoming matches. As for the Playoffs, we are scheduled at Boulder Creek for Thursday June 8th with the Team Play Party set for the Red Rock Country Club on Monday June 12th. We won’t have time to engrave the actual trophies but have a plan for something to award the winners. The cost per player will be $83.
SNGA Representative-Kat Marks reported that registration for the State Senior scheduled for April 17-18 will close on April 11. Currently, the field is almost full at 51 players but she has increased the field to 56. For State Partners at Bear’s Best June 6-7, there are still several single players not yet signed up with their partner.
She will reach out to get their partners signed up together. Women’s Golf Day is scheduled to be celebrated here in LV on June 8th at the Las Vegas National and SNGA is expecting 150-160 participants. She reported that LVN has granted a special tee time to 4 players with a certain handicap to go out to play. More details will be emailed. Kat also asked for volunteer instructors and to contact her if you are interested. Kat’s last item to report included information on the USGA Qualifiers. You can access the link by going to and register for the Women’s Senior or 4 Ball. They will be hosted here locally but SNGA doesn’t have the ability to finagle cut off dates.
Rules-Sue May, at the request of a Team Play coordinator, created a document to be added to the local rules sheets defining Pace of Play-Being out of Position. This should be given to your marshals as a guideline for when to approach a group that may be out of position.
Handicap-Deanna Imboden had nothing to report.
Silver Cup-Co Captain Christine Soscia confirmed that the dates for Silver Cup are September 12-14 at Dayton Valley with our qualifier at the Las Vegas National May 15-16. She and Co-Captain Regina Quintero are in constant contact with the North Captains via zoom calls. She encourages you and your friends to try to qualify and is willing to come to your clubs to describe the entire Silver Cup experience. A thank you to both WSNGA and SNGA for their generosity to subsidize some of the costs to the players but because it is a travel year, she is asking for more money. At this time, Sherry Jackson interjected that this is a NET tournament and that it’s usually the mid to higher handicappers that win this event for the South and not necessarily the low handicappers. Christine detailed the event as a 3-day Match Play tournament with a Ryder Cup style format(Alternate shot the first day, Partner Best Ball the second day and Singles the 3rd day). It includes 20 women from the South that participate in the qualifier. The selection process includes 18 who qualify on their individual performance using a Gross/Net bias plus 2 Captain’s picks and alternates against 20 from the North. The tournament venue alternates between the North and South each year. The Captains hold practices throughout the Summer that friendships are formed with your teammates that can last a lifetime as well as those that you make with the North girls! As Liz mentioned earlier, there is a write up on the website of this 29 year old event.
Parliamentarian-Kelly Nelson in conjunction with Rusty has been tasked with reorganizing the WSNGA Bylaws and Standing Rules. They will eventually be presented to the Executive Board and then on to the delegation for approval. Her proposed deadline is the end of Summer.
Old Business:
- Rusty reiterated our concerns regarding anything in our existing verbiage of our Bylaws/Standing Rules that refers to the NSWGA since it has disbanded.
- Concerns over verbiage regarding acceptance on the State Board and how membership is acquired.
- Adding the Team Play Coordinator as an Executive Board position. Adding this position was suggested at an Executive Board meeting because Team Play is the biggest event that WSNGA oversees. The concern is over voting rights and what happens if the Board has 6 members vs. 5 members.
Rusty stated that while we are making changes to the Bylaws/Standing Rules, the prospect of adding the Team Play coordinator to the Executive Board makes sense. - Associate Members Representative-Rusty introduced Maggie Bowgren, a long time delegate of Paiute that disbanded, as a volunteer to represent all those women who carry a Handicap in Southern Nevada but doesn’t belong to a formal association. She stated that she will need sone help but In coordination with SNGA and will try to identify those groups and introduce them to the benefits of WSNGA.
Expanded Tournament Committee Concept-This concept was brought forth and reported by Sherry Jackson. Standard Operating Procedure would have a Tournament Committee set up single tournaments. However, she suggested that a committee, to include those that set up State, Southern NV, Team and Fun Days as well as the Silver Cup Captains in conjunction with Rules Officials to gain knowledge and an opportunity to learn all that is WSNGA be formed.
Tournament of Champions-Rusty reported that although we are so proud to have awarded Liz Bridge with our one and only award as Volunteer of the Year, we need and want to create a program to recognize others whether it be for their playing ability or some other criteria. Currently, the Volunteer of the Year Award is a Presidential appointment but there are too many women in our community that should also be recognized. From a playing standpoint, we only have two Southern NV tournaments and 2 State events to be able to earn points. Sherry Jackson offered to inquire into what other associations use for a point system.
New Business:
Rusty reported that this is an election year and a nominating committee needs to be formed. She asked for (3) three volunteers. A vote for Officers will be taken at our December 2023 meeting. At this time she stated that there is a vacancy on the Executive Board, specifically for Secretary. Monica Kaili wants to focus on her role as Co-Team Play Coordinator but emphatically stated that she will train anyone who wants to step up for as long as they need her to. If interested, then please reach out to Rusty but as a reminder, you cannot be on the nominating committee if you are running for an Executive Board position.
Junior Golf Charity: Deb Koch spoke on behalf of a Junior Golf Charity Event on behalf of Walter Gaylik. (Information/Flyer was sent in an email shortly after this meeting). Tee sponsors as well as signing up to play are available. This is the 3rd year since it’s inception and tee sponsorships have been purchased before by LV Muni, Stallion Mountain and WSNGA. She is asking for continued support.
Next Meeting September 18, 2023 (tentative)
The Executive Board will meet before then and throughout the Summer.
A motion to adjourn was made by Sherry Jackson and seconded by Char Thornton. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 am.
January 9, 2023
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on January 9, 2023 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Rusty Beckel called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or by proxy.
President’s Report: “Rusty” Beckel
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer Report: Sandy Jenkins
Secretary Report: Monica Kaili
Tournament Director(s) Report: Liz Bridge and Sherry Jackson
Vice President Report: Tracey Blake
Team Play: Nancy Lauback
Committee Reports:
- SNGA Report: Ann Sunstrum/Kat Marks
- Rules: Sue May
- Handicap: Deanna Imboden
- Silver Cup Team Captains: Christine Soscia, Regina Quintero
- Golf Genius Website Updates: Sandy Barletta
Old Business
- Standing Rules Changes
New Business
- Associate Members Representative
- Expanded Tournament Committee Concept
Next Meeting:
Request Motion to Adjourn
Rusty started the meeting off with the introduction of Barbara Irwin who is a rules official and is a part of Sue May’s team. She volunteers for SNGA events as well as WSNGA and State Amateur events. She then mentioned that this was not an election year and the members of the Executive Board and Committee members will remain the same with the addition of Kelly Nelson as Parliamentarian.
Insert: Liz Bridge’s Slide presentation that was sent to the delegates.
The presentation included the women’s participation rate in Southern NV events as well as everything being presented at this meeting. (Please refer to it if there is any confusion in the minutes) Sherry Jackson inquired into the countrywide participation rate. Unfortunately, it is unknown if there is a National model.
Rusty then asked for the approval of the minutes from the October 2022 minutes. A motion was made by Sherry Jackson and seconded by Ronda Henderson. After a vote, the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report-Sandy Jenkins reported on the Profit and Loss statement and the Balances in our accounts (please see the slide presentation for statements) and that the 2023 Draft Budget has not yet been finalized. Once it has been, it will be sent to the delegates. Rusty explained that the delay is due to the uncertainty of whether we will receive our yearly funding from SNGA. There is no reason to think that we will not receive the funds but it is dependent on their budget. Until we are certain, Rusty dd not want to present the Draft Budget.
Secretary Report-Monica Kaili mentioned that she has still not received several associations’ 2023 Officer Lists. Her new email distribution list is being updated but it is dependent on receiving the names of your new delegates. Unfortunately, 2022 delegates who may not be your 2023 delegate will still continue to receive her emails. In effect, your 2022 Officer List will be included in the 2023 booklet if not received by print date (that’s usually a week before the next meeting). She will send your update separately to the delegates to add to their records.
Tournament Directors-Liz Bridge started with her Fun Days report and emphasized they have been a comfortable entry point for High Handicappers or those without a HC. Low handicappers enjoyed them too and there were several first time event players. The
participants were especially pleased with the pace of play-the Fun Day at Eagle Crest last July was right at the 3 hour mark! Liz thanked SNGA for the funds to allow WSNGA to provide goodie bags at these events. The first Fun Day for 2023 will be held at Dragon Ridge CC on
February 20th. The entry forms have since been sent. (to date this event is already full)
Updates on State and Southern NV Events- First, plans are in place to provide more information on Silver Cup to be added to the website. Second, the State Association has yet to vote to combine the State Am with the State Sr Am. With the help of Kat and Ann we are hoping that this will be settled soon. If the vote is yes, then we will hold a So. NV Sr Am in the South. If the State Sr is held in the South then we will not hold a So NV Sr Sherry reiterated that our Amateur events are hurting for participation and hopefully we will know by the end of January what the outcome of the vote is There is a possibility that The State Sr will be rotate every 2 years in the South and 1 year in the North instead of swapping every other year. She also reminded us that for the first 19 years, the State Am and the State Sr were combined until some participants wanted to be able compete for both. However, playing from different tee boxes made that impossible.
Liz continued by discussing the Citywide Invitationals that our member associations hold annually. To date, there are 11 on the books out of the 23 associations and are very popular! She has made herself available to any association who would like assistance in setting up their tournaments using Golf Genius.
Vice President-Tracey Blake had nothing to report at this time.
Team Play-Nancy Lauback stated that there will be a Captains meeting to immediately follow this meeting today. She announced her Co-Coordinator (Red Division) as Monica Kaili and Sherry Jackson to assist with the Golf Genius side for scoring and set up. She mentioned that Mountain Falls has been added for a total of 19 teams again. The season will run from January 30th to May 23rd with the Playoffs and Team Play party to follow shortly after May 23rd. As of today, there is a conflict with the Playoffs and the State Partners but she is currently working to resolve the conflict. Lastly, there will once again be two divisions-Red and Blue.
SNGA Representative-Kat Marks reported on the Tournament of Champions scheduled for February 6th at Spanish Trail CC. Invites have gone out and if you haven’t received one then please reach out to her. This is a “kick-off” for the season and eligible participants -up to 100- come from your field of Gross and Net winners from whatever type of Championships your association holds. State or Southern Nv Am Winners as well as Silver Cup team players (if the team has won) are also eligible. * There is also an Awards Banquet afterwards. Next Kat reported that the details for the City Am, have not yet been finalized but will definitely continue to be a part of City Am week. The dates are tentative for the last week of October or the first week in November. Lastly, Kat would also like your recommendations for people or organizations for their Featured Stories in the SNGA newsletter, your upcoming events and pictures too.
Rules-Sue May reported that there will be some changes for 2023. She and her team will be going to rules school in the next several months. Eventually, seminars in video form will be made available through the WSNGA website. A new Hard Card (sent to the delegates in a
separate email from Secretary MK) with the explanation of the new Animal Dung Rule is now in effect. Please have your members print and keep with them for play at all times. Below is that explanation again.
“At the player’s option, dung from geese or other bids may be treated either as:
- A loose impediment that may be removed under Rule 15.1, or
- Ground Under Repair from which relief is allowed under Rule 16.1.Proceed as follows-If your ball sits on top of the dung then Mark, Lift, Clean and drop on the nearest point of relief. If your ball is not on top of the dung, then treat as Loose Impediment and move the dung.
- This relief is available for lie of the ball, area of intended swing but not stance.
Rusty extended her thanks to Sue for her hard work and always being a great representative for WSNGA as well as nationally.
Handicap-Deanna Imboden had nothing to report at this time.
Silver Cup-Regina Qintero and Christine Soscia were not present
Golf Genius Website-Sandy Barletta was not present but Liz reported for her. First, Liz mentioned how to access entry forms on the WSNGA website and how to sign up for events. You can navigate by going to then clicking on the Women’s tab and scrolling down to Tournaments. On that page you will then click on the Upcoming Events tab which then takes you to a listing of all events. Find the event and then click on View at the top right of each box. You can download and print a flyer from there. Second, Liz mentioned that there is also a Team Play portal in Golf Genius and can be accessed by going to You can access the TP Calendar and once play starts results can be viewed.
Old Business-Rusty reiterated that she is still continuing to work on changing our Standing Rules and Bylaws but the delay is a result of the having to wait for a vote to change the State Association’s Bylaws. In conjunction with SNGA and the State Association her hopes and goal is to have a representative from WSNGA to be on that State Board. There has been no conclusion as far as the Bylaws at the SNGA and State level and until that’s finalized we cannot move forward with changing our Bylaws and Standing Rules When the times comes for any changes that may have been voted on, she will rely heavily on our new Parliamentarian, Kelly Nelson and Rules, Sue May to assist with the process of changing our Bylaws for review and an eventual vote by the delegates.
New Business-Communication and Networking is imperative in getting our information out to your members. The website lists all our member clubs with contact and general information and is a good tool for new residents looking for a club to join. Rusty had great example of a lady from Australia who found us through our website. Additionally, the ever updated Events Calendar helps everyone with possible conflicting dates for your tournaments.
Rusty’s goals for 2023 include:
- Improve participation in our Championships
- Continue to build diversity through our Fun Days
- Create ‘depth of bench’ in Team Play tournament volunteers
- Improve website presence
- Update WSNGA Bylaws and Standing Rules
- Expand our ‘associate member’ reach
Our Bylaws state that an associate member is a woman with a HC who plays golf in Southern Nevada but who is not duly represented by a WSNGA member association. Rusty was contacted by a long time past delegate, Maggie Bowgren who is interested in representing these associate members at some of the ladies groups that she plays in. Maggie suggested that this would be a non-voting role and she would be responsible for distributing our information to these associate members. In effect, this could inspire them to join a member club and
eventually to participate in our events. As President, Rusty suggested that she make this appointment and for her and Maggie to define her roles and to eventually add to the Bylaws. A vote will not be taken today but this is a work in progress. A question arose of where do these women play (Durango Hills and LVN)and will Maggie represent ALL associate members and not just the ladies groups she plays in. The general consensus was positive and that it could only help create the additional participation. The question arose of how many women do not know that WSNGA exists and fortunately, the newsletter-FOREWomen and all associate members should be receiving this through email from SNGA. Rusty is going to move forward and will update us at the next meeting. * Lastly, Rusty mentioned that the WSNGA has no structure for the broad array of awards for recognition at the Tournament of Champions Awards Banquet. While the men have 15-16 different awards we give one and it’s not awarded on your playing ability. She suggested the creation of a Tournament committee whose job would be to define the type of awards we want to present to recognize our women. If you are interested in being on this committee to please reach out to her.
A motion to adjourn was made by Sue May and seconded by Sandy Jenkins. The meeting
adjourned at 9:30 am
The next meeting is scheduled for
April 3,2023
Approved: Jan. 25th, 2023
October 10, 2022
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on October 10,2022 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Rusty Beckel called the meeting to order at 8:34 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or by proxy.
President’s Report: “Rusty” Beckel
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer Report: Sandy Jenkins
Secretary Report: Monica Kaili
Tournament Director(s) Report: Liz Bridge and Sherry Jackson
Vice President Report: Tracey Blake
Committee Reports:
- SNGA Report: Ann Sunstrum / Kat Marks
- Rules: Sue May
- Handicap: Deanna Imboden
- Team Play: Nancy Lauback
- Silver Cup Team Captains: Christine Soscia, Regina Quintero
- Golf Genius Website Updates: Sandy Barletta
Old Business
- Standing Rules Changes
New Business:
- WGA of Paiute disbanded
Next Meeting:
Request Motion to Adjourn
President Rusty Beckel confirmed with Secretary Monica Kaili that a quorum existed and thanked everyone for their schedule flexibility to attend today instead of our regularly scheduled day in September. The facility was closed and unable to accommodate us. Furthermore, she reported that all 2022 events up to and including the Fun Days and Silver Cup were rock solid and thanked all those involved in making them a success. Additionally, she let us know that our Past President, Karen Herness had suffered a mild stroke and is working hard in her recuperation efforts. Please keep her in your thoughts. Lastly, she gave a kudos to Ann Sunstrum, Executive Director of SNGA for her induction into the Las Vegas Hall of Fame on Oct 1st.
She then asked for the approval of the Minutes from our last meeting. A motion to accept was
made by Sherry Jackson and seconded by Linda MacDonald. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Rusty Beckel reminded us of the immense amount of work it takes to handle all of the funds going in and out and appreciates her job well done. Sandy Jenkins read September’s Reconciliation report that is also available in a previous email
sent to the delegates.
Secretary-Monica Kaili mentioned that most of your associations are having Officer elections within the next several months and to send her those names for the 2023 booklet.
Tournament Director-Liz Bridge reported on the 2022 Fun Days:
Dragon Ridge | 108 players | Golf Only | $120 | POP 4.5 hours |
Eagle Crest | 72 players | Golf & Brunch | $60 | 3 hours |
Conestoga | 60 players | Golf & Lunch | $80 | 4 hours |
She had hoped for 80 players for Conestoga but speculated that road construction may have been a deterrent. She and Sherry are hoping to replicate price points for 2023.
Tentative 2023 Season courses and dates are as follows:
March | Fun Day | Somewhere in Henderson |
April | State Sr.Am | Mountain Falls |
MidAm/ Sr Am | ||
June 6-7 | State Partners | Bear’s Best |
June 19-20 | NV State Am | The Club at Arrowcreek (North) |
July | Fun Day | Desert Willow |
Am/SC Qualifier | Las Vegas National | |
Aug 8-9 | State Quad | Toiyable |
Sept 12-13 | Silver Cup | North- TBD |
Nov | Fun Day | Mountain Falls |
Sherry Jackson added that further discussion is needed with the Exec. Board as it relates to the So. NV Sr. Am and whether to forego the event when the State Sr. Am is being held in the South. She suggested reverting back to combining the So. NV Sr. with the State Sr. Am when it is held in the South. To clarify, the State Sr. Am participants typically play from a longer yardage from the participants who play in the So. NV Sr. Am and the reason for the split several years ago was due to participants wanting to be eligible to win both. Consequently, participation has dropped since the split but the draw of being the only flighted event offered, albeit by age should garner more interest. Combining the events would also help alleviate finding another date on our already busy calendar.
Liz reminded us that The City Am still has 17 spots available to be filled. There are 3 divisions-Scratch, Net and Seniors. Rusty’s comments on the Fun Days consisted of the formats being a great value/venue and the targeting of new golfers by playing on shorter courses.
Furthermore, the Fun Days are designed for those who are not yet inclined to play competitively or for ladies who want to improve their skills in a fun environment. Additionally, she stated that the use of Cheddar-Up has been very helpful to sign up and pay for the Fun Days
and has been very well received. Up to 98% of participants have used Cheddar-Up. It is a website and an app. There is a link for each event, so it is not necessary to download the app and does not require a subscription. It’s very secure, has an Audit trail and the only person who has access is the Treasurer. Lastly, she also commented that she is always looking for feedback on what we can do better. For example, the So. NV Sr./Mid-Am was held this past April and unfortunately the weather did not cooperate. Several ladies withdrew for the second round due to either health or weather conditions, but Southern Nevada has such a large pool of senior ladies playing in all our events to not have a great turn out for these Senior events.
Vice President-Tracey Blake reported that she is currently working on attaining additional sponsors as well as getting more goody bags from KT tape for our events. Check the SNGA newsletters or go to the website for more information on how to access your discount for products from our sponsor KT tape.
Committee Reports:
SNGA-Ann Sunstrum reported further on the City Am and that after 50 years of a Men’s Only event, it was time to hold one for the Women. There are 3 divisions-Scratch, Net and Senior and is being held at the Las Vegas Golf Club, Oct 23-24 with a cost of $210. She mentioned that the State Board will be meeting soon and they also would like any feedback on whether or not to continue with events that entailed having to travel. It seems that Team/Partner events continue to draw participants from opposite sides of the state especially in the South whereas, individual events not so much. It was suggested and agreed that the rising costs to travel as well as green fees, which are not likely to go down, are the biggest concern. Another drop in travel could be due to planned women’s association golf trips that
have a huge draw.
Ann continued to report that this is an election year for the Executive board of SNGA and if you are interested to please go online and fill out the application. Their meeting is October 14th. Lastly, she mentioned that the fees for Golf Genius have risen, hence dues are increasing by $6 to $36/year. We will be locked into Golf Genius throughout 2024 and is unsure for anything past that date. As for the North, they are currently using both Golf Genius and Blue Golf and will most likely be voted on at their next meeting.
Rules-Sue May reported that although 2023 is a revision year it is possible that there won’t be any or perhaps just a few. Ann added that the Rules of Golf books that were previously handed out “like candy” will no longer be printed or distributed. You can download the USGA Rules of Golf app on your phone and reference the rules there. There are local workshops that may be offered to disseminate information on any changes.
Handicap-Deanna Imboden was present but had nothing to report.
Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported that 2023 will once again have 19 teams with the courses and dates set. The divisions have also been set and once there is a mock-up of the round robin competitor’s matrix, the captains will be notified. If your team captains have
changed you will need to send her that information as soon as possible. She announced that Monica Kaili has volunteered to assist and be mentored in one of the divisions as well as the continued commitment by Liz Bridge, Sandy Barletta and Sherry Jackson for the Golf Genius
aspect. She reported that at our last Executive Board meeting a discussion in relation to forfeitures and ramifications for forfeitures ensued and a vote by the captains will be taken. She also gave credit to the women of Siena who recommended a new structure on how to break ties for teams going to the Playoffs. That information will also be available at the Captain’s meeting. Soyoung Crabb from Red Rock CC offered the possibility of holding the Team Play party there. Rusty is requesting volunteers to learn the processes of Team from not just the delegate pool but hopefully some ladies in your associations may want to step up to broaden our audience.
Golf Genius-Sandy Barletta shared that there are two components to the website. One is and the Women’s Tab where you can find anything and everything related to women’s golf in Southern Nevada. She also builds the calendars every year and updates with Invitational entry forms.
Silver Cup-Regina Quintero reported that although the numbers don’t reflect how close the outcome was (21.5 – 18.5) it truly was a great event. There were 9 rookies-the last time there were that many rookies was in 2013. Those numbers reflect how this type of competition gets new people involved. There were 7 practices and for each, an average of 10 ladies came out. A true sign of how serious and involved they were. She thanked SNGA for their ongoing financial support, Kat Marks for her time printing and scoring, Rules officials-Sue May and Brenda Lawrence (from the North), Renee Rocco for uniforms, on course volunteer Margie Cashwell and Reflection Bay Golf course and their outstanding staff. They really did the best they could with the issues the course had dealt with before reopening a few days before the tournament. If you’re ever at Reflection Bay, thank them for working with WSNGA! Build those relationships to ensure future partnerships. Most importantly, she wanted to thank Christine Soscia, her co-Captain who was instrumental in all of the behind-the-scenes tasks and work that goes unrecognized. In conclusion, her takeaway was just how fierce the battle can be, the social/camaraderie aspect is just as important. Rusty added that being a captain is an honor and a lot of work. It is difficult to please 20 women but even harder to please 40. The energy is positive with the embracing of friendships and meeting new people.
Old Business-Standing Rules/Bylaw Changes-Rusty reported that these changes are still in the works and the January meeting is her projected finalization date.
New Business-Rusty reported that unfortunately, the WGA @ Paiute has disbanded. Although, they are unable to have an association currently, they leave in good standing with WSNGA. If they ever wish to reorganize as an association, they would be welcome and exempt from having to reapply or pay initiation dues. Sherry shared that they were unable to get tee times at Paiute and because their association also included men, moving to another course may not have been received well. Next, Rusty introduced Kelly Nelson who has offered to be our Parliamentarian. She is familiar with the Robert’s Rules of Order and through her experience with a political organization in Nebraska she can assist with voting, order of speakers, ensuring everyone is represented equally and most importantly with the changes to our Bylaws and Standing Rules. Rusty duly appointed her.
Miscellaneous- Soyoung Crabb requested the floor to mention a few items.
1. Thank you from the Red Rock CC members to the WSNGA officers and volunteers.
2. RRCC has had their elections and will be sending the information to Secretary, Monica Kaili.
3. WSNGA website-she can access the information as needed and it has made her life so much easier.
4. Operation Home Front Organization is a tournament to raise money specifically for Veterans who reside in Nevada ONLY. This is their 15th year and will have an Honor Guard to present colors as well as someone to sing the National Anthem. There are still several spots available if you are interested. It is being held on November 10th.
To conclude, Rusty reported that this is not an election year so a meeting in December is not necessary. She suggested the next meeting be held in January with the Team Play Captains meeting immediately to follow.
A motion to adjourn was made by Sandy Jenkins and seconded by Monica Kaili. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 am
The next meeting is scheduled for
January 9,2023
Approved: October 22,2022 by RB
June 13, 2022
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on June 13, 2022 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Rusty Beckel called the meeting promptly to order at 8:30 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or
by proxy except for Painted Desert-Executive Officers not present were VP Tracey Blake, Treasurer Sandy Jenkins and Tournament Director Sherry Jackson.
President’s Welcome and Report: “Rusty” Beckel
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer Report: Rusty Beckel for Sandy Jenkins
Secretary Report: Monica Kaili
Tournament Director(s) Report: Liz Bridge
Vice President Report: Rusty Beckel for Tracey Blake
Committee Reports:
- SNGA Report: Ann Sunstrum/Kat Marks
- Rules: Sue May
- Handicap: Deanna Imboden
- Team Play: Nancy Lauback
- Silver Cup Team Captains: Christine Soscia, Regina Quintero
- Golf Genius Website Updates: Sandy Barletta
Old Business
- Standing Rules
New Business
- KT Sponsorship
Next Meeting:
Request Motion to Adjourn
President Rusty Beckel confirmed with Secretary Monica Kaili that a quorum existed and thanked Liz Bridge for her expert technological skills in setting up the television for ease in viewing the Agenda, Reports and marketing videos. She thanked the Board for all their behind the scenes work that they accomplish and will have more to report at the conclusion of the meeting.
She then asked for the approval of the Minutes from our last meeting. A motion to accept was made by Deb Koch and seconded by Ronda Henderson. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Rusty Beckel for Sandy Jenkins who is out of town wanted to thank Linda Cartwright, Nicole Nolan, Deanna Imboden and Carrie Atkin who conducted the WSNGA audit for 2019 and 2020. Present was Deanna Imboden who confirmed the signed report. Going forward in accordance with our Bylaws an audit will be conducted every year instead of every other year.
May’s Bank Reconciliation Report showed income of $300 from Chase that we received for transferring our accounts from Bank of America and that transfer is now complete and final. A check for 12 cents was received from B of A and will be deposited. A big thank you to Sandy
Jenkins for facilitating that transaction . Financials are healthy but the report does not include any of June’s expenses. We are still actively looking for avenues to spend some of our excess funds but keep in mind that we continue to need reserves.
Secretary-Monica Kaili had nothing to report but did mention that she is there to record what is being reported.
Tournament Director-Liz Bridge reported that she met with Tracey Blake, Ann Sunstrum and Kat Marks on April 19 th to discuss the ability to directly communicate with those WSNGA members with emails using a campaign software called Constant Content. Their goal is to engage the members through a cycle designed to get more participation in our tournaments:
Online Sign-Up
During Event-Pictures and Results
Future Tournament Participation
She mentioned that throughout all of her work with entry forms she has learned to take greater care to ensure that all relevant information such as When and Where is included. A Pie Chart presentation Liz created showed that of those emailed a little over 60% actually opened their email. Of those, 42% were interested in the Event portal, 35% were interested in viewing pictures as well as some interest in other offerings. This information is essential to track what works well and what may not. Findings also include that those that signed up for events liked the ease of the one click feature and she greatly encourages taking pictures. As it turns out, participation is at a high as Quad was sold out and Silver Cup is almost sold out with a spot for one more participant as of today.
She added that for Silver Cup, we need a concise discipline to gather information to create our own narrative to preserve our history. Rusty reminded us that this does not eliminate your role as delegates to continue encouraging your members to participate in WSNGA events. In fact, this is just a supplement to your role because your influence and connection with your members as a “trusted source” is extremely important.
Fun Days-Eagle Crest is our next scheduled Fun Day on July 27. Tee time is early enough and playing time should only be approximately 3 hours to allow for a brunch. The Fun Day at Conestoga is still scheduled for September 1. All Fun Days can be signed up online with Cheddar Up for payment which is a more effective and efficient way for WSNGA to receive the funds directly instead of using Golf Genius and waiting for funds to transfer back.
Vice President-Rusty Beckel for Tracey Blake had three items to report:
1-Website-in conjunction with Kat Marks who will have more to add will launch today, June 13, 2022. Stay tuned for more of Tracey’s input at our next meeting.
2-Women’s Golf Day (WGD) held June 7, 2022 here at The Las Vegas National. She and Kat as well as Rusty represented WSNGA with 100 ladies of all levels in attendance. Their role was to introduce WSNGA to brand new golfers who do not currently have a handicap and are not members of an association. An SNGA goody bag worth over $200 that included a gift card to the PGA Superstore, balls, etc. were given to anyone who came to the table.
3-Sponsorship-To be discussed in New Business
SNGA Representative-Kat Marks report included past and upcoming tournaments.
Quad- had the biggest turn out ever with 116 players.
The Southern Nevada Am/Silver Cup Qualifier has 71 signed up with one spot available.
She was at Reflection Bay recently and reported that the course is in great shape with a
few exceptions that will be addressed on the Rules sheet.
State Amateur scheduled for July16-17 @ Boulder Creek
State Partners in Reno, AUGUST 15-16 @ Hidden Valley
Next, she presented her report on the first Las Vegas Women’s Golf Day which is actually an International event held every year in June. There was an incredible turnout with over 100 women in attendance with the need for a wait list. Kat wanted to give a big Thank you to
Tracey Blake and Rusty Beckel for their assistance. She then presented a video clip with several interviews with the teaching pros and ladies new to the game that also aired on our local CBS news.
There were 5 stations that included:
Full Swing
In addition, she wanted to remind us to contact her with names of candidates for the monthly newsletter highlights for Brian Hurlbert to interview. Send pictures and stories that you think would be a good fit to pass on.
Lastly, her work on the website includes:
Moving event results out of the Golf Genius archive back to our website. The Calendar through Golf Genius is in chronological order with a Home page that includes all pertinent information.
There was a suggestion from the floor by Lai Rippee to add the rule book compilation designed by Sue May be added to the website also. At this time, we were informed that 2023 is a Rules revision year so that compilation may not be relevant and would have to be removed from the website.
Standing Rules for all events added
Rules-Sue May through Rusty Beckel-No news to report but now is the time to contact your members to schedule rules forums for the new Rules revisions to take effect in 2023. The USGA usually holds in person classes in the Spring and Fall and may offer online courses.
Handicap-Deanna Imboden had several items related to posting your scores. She reminded us to post your score as soon as possible, preferably before 9 pm EST. Also, to post as many scores as possible. Your handicap is based on your lowest 8 scores out of your most recent 20 and your two lowest stays on your history for 365 days.
You can post the following scores under certain stipulations:
- Combine 2-9 hole scores
- 14 of 18 holes-The 4 holes that you do not start can be given scores of par + any strokes you get depending on your HC and the number handicap hole they are. For example, if you are a 24 HC and you would get two pops on that hole your score would be 4 + 2= 6. If you are an 8 HC and you do not pop on that hole then your score would be 4 + 0= 4.
- 7 of 9 holes-the same rule applies as in #2 In instances 2 and 3, do not confuse taking your max, otherwise known as Net double bogey.
- For holes started but not completed, you should post what you most likely would have scored based on what you lie and how many strokes it would have taken you to hole out but NEVER post more than a Net Double Bogey. This also applies to Match Play.
Scores you cannot Post:
- When you have played alone
- When you have played multiple balls on the same hole- “mulligans”
- If the game stipulates that you play with less than your maximum amount of clubs allowed e.g. 3 clubs and a putter
- Inactive Off Season rounds when courses are closed for Winter play
- Playing with non-conforming
- Disqualification
- While being coached (playing lesson) or using training device (GPS with slope/alignment sticks, etc.)
- Unrated course
- Formats such as Alternate shot, Scramble, Shamble
Her advice is to post ALL your scores. If you only post your low scores then you only hurt yourself, partner or team. However, if you only post your high scores then simply put, you are cheating.
Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported on what a great Season it was. The winners for the year:
Champions | Business Women |
Runner-Up | Boulder City Purple |
Champions | Las Vegas Muni |
Runner-Up | Chimera Silver |
Champions | Red Rock Country Club |
Runner-Up | Revere – Also winners of the Spirit award for fielding a team after some Covid illnesses |
Nancy thanked all those associations that hosted at their home courses and with the anticipation of having the same amount of teams (144 players/match) for 2023 we will continue to follow the same process of holding matches at different courses on a match play day to keep
play time to a minimum. She then reported on the financial impact that Team Play has on our golf community. Although it is a net zero for WSNGA, $93,646 were paid in green fees which in effect gives back to local golf in the form of creating jobs as well as business spending on gift cards and trophies. Rusty Beckel stated that because the model works so well here in Southern Nevada that she has taken it to her Oregon association.
Nancy added that there are learning opportunities as far as Standing Rules go as well as being aware of USGA rules due to some issues that occurred this Season.
1-Disqualification due to use of non-conforming club
2-Full Match Forfeiture-A revision to the Standing Rules will be discussed by the Executive Board and Team Play Coordinator that will most likely come to a vote by the captains.
Lastly, she mentioned that her goal for Team Play is to foster fun, friendship and competition with her commitment to improve the process. She welcomes any and all feedback. She thanked those who volunteered to stay to help the Golf Genius coordinators score to speed up the process. Another big thank you to Liz Bridge who scored for the Blue Division and Sandy Barletta who scored for the Red Division.
At this time, Charity Musial stated that Mountain Falls is trying to gather enough players to participate in 2023 and Donna McKendrick introduced herself as Anthem Country Club’s team Captain for 2023 in place for Connie Monk. Ronda Henderson gave a thank you to Monica Kaili for her service as Boulder City’s Team Captain for the last 7 years and has passed the honor to her.
Silver Cup-Neither Captain was in attendance but Rusty reported that she recently met with them to discuss the guidelines for qualification that were voted on and approved at the last general meeting of the WSNGA.
Golf Genius-Sandy Barletta was not present.
Old Business-Rusty reported that she has not forgotten about the approved revisions to Section 7 of the Standing Rules that relates to Silver Cup qualifying but there is some confusion on the official document that was modified during Covid. As a priority and on the top of her to do list, she wants to coalesce the actual document for a correct version of the SRs and collectively distribute them to the delegates by the start of 2023.
New Business-KT Tape Sponsorship Agreement-Rusty Beckel for Tracey Blake
The Executive Board now advocates to leverage our community with potential sponsorships and agreed that these can be valuable relationships. The prototype sponsorship with KT Tape will have no exchange of funds but would rather come in the form of merchandise give-aways and possibly hole prizes at some of out tournaments with demonstrations on how to properly apply their products. Also included will be discounts on products that you can access with a code on our website. We will not provide a mailing list or send advertisements for KT tape directly to members. The WSNGA wants to be discerning and disciplined when it comes to additional agreements with potential sponsors. Rusty asked for a vote only for the purpose of determining delegate interest. The delegates unanimously voted for this proposal.
In conclusion, Rusty emphasized that inclusion is essential to communication and thanked everyone for their time.
A motion to adjourn was made by Deanna Imboden and seconded by Ronda Henderson. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 am
The next meeting is scheduled for
October 10th, 2022
Approved: June 23, 2022
MARCH 14, 2022
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on March 14, 2022 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Rusty Beckel called the meeting promptly to order at 8:30 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or by proxy except for Wildhorse, Revere and Sun City Summerlin Eagle Crest.
President’s Welcome and Report: “Rusty” Beckel
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer Report: Sandy Jenkins
Secretary Report: Monica Kaili
Tournament Director(s) Report: Sherry Jackson
Vice President Report: Tracey Blake
Committee Reports:
- SNGA Report: Ann Sunstrum
- Rules: Sue May
- Handicap: Deanna Imboden
- Team Play: Nancy Lauback
- Silver Cup Team Captains: Christine Soscia, Regina Quintero
- Golf Genius Website Updates: Sandy Barletta
Old Business
New Business:
- Standing Rules Changes
Next Meeting:
Request Motion to Adjourn
President’s Welcome-Rusty Beckel welcomed and thanked everyone for their vote of confidence in her ability to be their President. She praised those Past Presidents who have come before her and hopes to follow in their footsteps as well as introduce new programs to promote women’s golf. It’s all about the team that she would like to introduce at this time.
Vice President-Tracey Blake. A new face to WSNGA who she thanked for securing the room for our meeting and for the thoughtful donut treats.
Secretary-Monica Kaili
Treasurer-Sandy Jenkins- another new face to WSNGA who is a great addition with her skills and experience.
Tournament-Co Chairs-Sherry Jackson and Elizabeth Bridge Past President-Karen Herness
First a thank you to Maggie Bowgren for her many years of service as Handicap Chair and welcome to Deanna Imboden who could not be present today.
SNGA Representatives-Ann Sunstrum and Kat Marks who is a new Full Time staff member of SNGA who will oversee women’s golf and will be present at our tournaments as well as assisting Tracey Blake and Sandy Barletta with the WSNGA website. Website Chair/Golf Genius-Sandy Barletta tasked to assist with creating a more current and informational website.
Rusty asked if the delegates had received the minutes from the December meeting. A motion was made by Charity Musial to accept the minutes with a second from Debbie Love. A vote was taken by the delegates. The motion carried.
Next, Rusty reported that the Executive Board has already met twice in the last two months to help those new to WSNGA get on track with the roles and responsibilities of the WSNGA and also mentioned that there would be two items that a vote would be taken on later in the
meeting-The Budget and changes to Standing Rules.
Treasurer’s Report-Sandy Jenkins read the Bank Reconciliation report for the month of February before presenting the budget. Ann Sunstrum commented that she preferred that the $7000 subsidy that is given to us from SNGA be shown as one item instead of filtered into other
income items. After further discussion, a motion was made by Sue May and seconded by Sherry Jackson to accept the Budget with the suggested changes. The Budget was accepted unanimously and the motion carried. It is attached to these minutes.
Monica Kaili only mentioned that hard and electronic copies of the booklet are now available and that if there is an error with your associations’ information to let her know and she will revise and resend to delegates.
Co-Tournament Director-Sherry Jackson reported that the Fun Day at the Dragon Ridge Country Club had 120 participants with a long wait list. It was a great day and she wanted to give a big thanks to Debbie Love, Margie Cashwell and Ronda Henderson who not only spotted on some of the holes with blind shots but also purchased walkie talkies at their own expense! Co-Tournament Chair-Liz Bridge reported that the Fun Day at Conestoga is moving forward and she expects to have that invitation available later this year. She also is working on another Fun Day at Eagle Crest in Summerlin.
The Mid/Sr. Am is the next scheduled event for April 11-12 at Angel Park. The Mid Am portion of this event was introduced in 2021 in order to target the ages between 25-50. If you know of any young ladies in this age group then please encourage them as well as your members to participate in this event. To better attract participation, yardages have been decreased to not seem as intimidating. Currently there are only 32 players signed up with only 3 under the age of 50 but it does have the capacity for 52 players. Margie Cashwell made a recommendation to hold some tournaments on weekends in order to attract this age group. Sherry stated that although cost might have once been the issue it is now course availability.
Lastly, the State Quad scheduled for May 10-11 at The Las Vegas National is already full at 100 players. To date there isn’t a wait list but Sherry has received several inquiries into teams showing interest in participating. She has suggested to them to sign up in case the course allows additional teams or to fill possible cancellations. Kat Marks checks for availability every day.
Vice President-Tracey Blake reported that there are changes to both the SNGA and WSNGA websites that will be launched in the very near future. At this point, Sherry Jackson asked if anyone was having difficulty utilizing the website to sign up for tournaments. No one
mentioned having problems. Next, Tracey announced the possibility of creating a Sponshorship policy. Currently, there is nothing in place but she is looking for suggestions for financial or product sponsorships.
SNGA Representative-Ann Sunstrum deferred to their new representative, Kat Marks. She reiterated the points of restructuring the website and distributed a list of all WSNGA Association clubs with contact information. Please review for accuracy and let her know of any corrections needed. She plans on talking to individual clubs for suggestions on how to grow more participation. She reminded us of Brian Hulbert and his role at SNGA to interview highlighted members of your associations. If you know of someone you think should be highlighted then please reach out but she also emphasized that if you are contacted by Brian to please respond. We want to get their stories out there. A question from Kathy Coffin fromDesert Willow was raised regarding sharing those stories in newsletters and was given an approval by Ann. Ann also mentioned that Brian will circle back to your club for a new highlight if someone in your association has already been highlighted.
Rules- Sue May-No report
Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported that 4 matches were already in the books and are going into the 5 th match the following Monday. Thank you to Wildhorse for hosting a full field of 144 ladies but there is much appreciation for splitting the divisions.
Silver Cup-Neither Captain was present but no news to report.
Website/Golf Genius-Sandy Barletta not present but no news to report.
Women’s Steering Committee-Rusty reported that there was a Zoom meeting planned for the following day to discuss Silver Cup/Quad and tournament yardages. Rusty asked if there were any questions from the delegates to take to this meeting. Monica Kaili asked if it would be
possible to consider changing dates for Quad when it is held in the North to prior to wildfire season.
Old Business: None
New Business: The following are the suggested changes to the Standing Rules. Discussion followed and notes are shown below regarding these suggestions. A motion was made by Karen Herness and seconded by Debbie Love. A vote was taken and the motion carried.
Modification to the WSNGA Standing Rules:
Section 1: Membership
Change NSWGA to NSGA in all cases
Section 5:
B. change approval of the Board of Directors to the Executive BoardSection
8: Remove section and add: Removed Course Rating and Section Reserved
Section 9: Membership in the Nevada State Women’s Golf Association, change to NSGA A-D, hold to revise once Bylaws and Standing Rules of NSGA are reviewed.
Section 10: Travel Expense Policy
A. Add at the end “and as pre-approved by the Executive Board”.
Section 7: Silver Cup Team
A. The WSNGA will conduct a 2-day qualifying event at least 6 weeks prior to the Silver Cup Competition
B. 18 members, 9 gross and 9 net will be determined through the qualifying event in order of 2-day gross or net finish. Captains have the discretion of using either Gross or Net Bias to determine the finish order for each category.
C. 2 team members from the qualifier will be selected at the discretion of the Silver Cup Captains (Captain’s picks). If a Captain’s pick withdraws for any reason the Captains retain the right to replace a Captain’s pick with any member from the qualifier.
D. An Alternate list consisting of the 10 th and 11 th place gross and net players (including ties)
will be determined from the qualifier. This list will be communicated to all qualifier participants within 7 days of the qualifier.
E. Prior to 30 days before the Silver Cup event, if a qualifying player withdraws for any reason the Captains:
a. Must first take replacement players from the alternate list to fill the 18 qualifying positions but may do so in any order
b. If a vacancy exists in the qualifying pool and none of the alternates can fill the position the Captains may select any player from the players that participated in the qualifier in any order
F. Within 30 days of the Silver Cup event, if a qualifying player withdraws for any reason
the Captains:
a. May choose any WSNGA member that meets the NSGA Silver Cup eligibility requirements. The Captains are encouraged to fill the position with a participant in the qualifier.
G. After the qualifier the Tournament Director will provide the Captains the email addresses for all players participating in the qualifier. Any changes to the make-up of the WSNGA Silver Cup team should be emailed to the WSNGA Tournament Director as soon as possible. Communication with all qualifying participants, delegates or membership at large will be determined by the Captains and Tournament Director.
Notes on Standing Rules changes-
Silver Cup Section 7-there was a meeting in December of 2021 with the incoming/outgoing
Executive Board to suggest Silver Cup Captain’s responsibilities.
1-More clarity on what the captains need to do for the event plus their responsibility to
those who are trying to qualify for the actual Silver Cup tournament.
2- Make clear to those trying to qualify on how alternates are chosen.
To be clear, the Southern Nevada Am/Silver Cup Qualifier is NOT a State Tournament although the actual Silver Cup tournament is a State event that has it’s own Standing Rules. This document is specifically for our Silver Cup team. We love this event but unfortunately there
hasn’t been a lot of structure and qualifiers have their own perception on how it should or could be handled. The captains were not given clear direction and had no guidance, hence there wasn’t any consistency between captains. This change is designed for that as well as having more transparency. Sue May asked if there was any way that we could charge that the captains not “sit” on someone who drops out before the 30 day window. To clarify, that means if a captain knows that one of their players is going to drop out before the 30 day window that instead of pulling up an alternate they sit on that information until they are within 30 days of the event. The captain can then choose indiscriminately. Rusty hopes to strongly encourage the new captains to not do so and stated that this really only hurts the program.
All other changes did not need any further discussion.
New Business-cont.
Cheddar-Up Licensing-This product is now being used to pay for tournaments or Fun Days electronically and is designed for Non/Not for Profit organizations. It is a superior product designed to better protect how it leaves the account unlike Pay Pal. It is a very secure platform and limits the way money moves. Also, there is the ease of payment that does not have to go through SNGA. Payment options include
debit/credit/electronic check. Margie Cashwell questioned the security/privacy concerns but was reassured by President, Rusty Beckel’s confidence in her own investigation. She listed organizations such as The Boys and Girls Scouts of America and thousands of other reputable organizations who utilize it. Questions such as fees associated with the use of credit cards versus a bank account and should WSNGA pay the fees or pass it to the individual. Sherry Jackson mentioned that transaction fees have already been included in entry fees and has been for some time. At this point, the fee for WSNGA is $360 but Rusty is working on receiving a discount and to also get a break on individual fees. She is also working on getting other Executive Board member access. Liz Bridge added that once we upgrade to the free version, she and Sherry can create better entry forms and more flexibility for sign up sheets especially for Fun Days when you want to create your own foursome.
Miscellaneous New Business-Melissa Causey from Painted Desert opened discussion on transgender participation in her league. Rusty made it clear that we are a non-profit organization and as Sue May declared so is USGA. Neither one of us can or will discriminate against her.
Next meeting: June 13, 2022
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 am
Approved: April 1, 2022
DECEMBER 13, 2021
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on December 13, 2021 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Karen Herness called the meeting promptly to order at 8:30 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or by proxy.
Approval of Minutes-President, Karen Herness asked for the approval of the last meeting minutes. Margie Cashwell made a motion to accept and Linda MacDonald seconded. All those present approved.
President’s Welcome- Karen Herness greeted the delegation and thanked everyone for attending.
Treasurer’s Report- Rusty Beckel reported that the Bank Reconciliation Reports for November will be forthcoming in a subsequent email from Secretary, Monica Kaili. She reported that the financial activity of the WSNGA is quite healthy with a reported income for the year of over $111,000 with expenses of approximately $106,000. Rusty suggested that $1000 of the net effect of over $2500 be donated to Junior Golf. A motion was made by Sue May with a second from Sandy Barletta. The vote was unanimous. As she finalizes reports for the year she will provide the Income and Balance Statements at the first meeting of 2022. She reported that as always the Profit/Loss statement is available for the delegates to review and are located in the back of the room.
Secretary’s Report- Monica Kaili requested that your Officer Lists be sent to her as soon as possible so she can create the new WSNGA booklet for distribution at the first meeting of 2022. She will send an electronic copy to each delegate as well as having hard copies for all.
Tournament Director – Sherry Jackson distributed her Tournament and Fun Day Status Report as of 11/13 with several confirmed dates. They are as follows:
Fun Day | Dragon Ridge | 2/28 |
State Quad | LV National | Tentative Dates now confirmed for 5/10-11** |
Mid/Sr Am | Angel Park | 4/11-12 |
So NV Am/SC | Reflection Bay | 6/20-21 |
State Partners | Hidden Valley | 8/15-16 |
State Sr. Am | Dayton Valley | 9/12-13 |
Silver Cup | Reflection Bay | 10/4-6 |
She and Elizabeth Bridge are currently working on additional Fun Days.
Sherry Jackson announced the Winners of the State Senior held at Boulder Creek.
Overall | Gross Ruth Maxwell Net Vicki Myers |
Flight 50-59 | Gross Ronda Henderson Net Helen Welsh |
Flight 60-69 | Gross Rusty Beckel Net Clara Heo |
Flight 70-79 | Gross Karen Herness Net Faye Geddes |
Sherry additionally reported that at the meeting of the Nevada State Board a recommendation was made to have a Steering Committee consisting of 3 representatives from both the North and the South. The foremost task of this committee is to run the State events independently. Presently, there are two representatives in place-Sherry Jackson and Ronda Henderson. A comment was made that if anyone was interested to please let someone on the Board know. However, as discussion ensued Margie Cashwell volunteered. A motion was made by Debbie Love and seconded by Rusty Beckel and the vote was unanimous.
Co-Tournament Director-Elizabeth Bridge reported on the Fun Day at the Red Rock CC that was originally scheduled for July but due to being rained out was rescheduled for Dec 6. There were 59 participants of which several were from our new members-Conestoga and Anthem but unfortunately because of the Jingle Balls tournament scheduled for the following day, participation was not as originally expected.
SNGA-Ann Sunstrum first wanted to let us know that it was a phenomenal year and is thankful for everyone’s participation!
She reported that starting January 1, 2022 the USGA will implement a more relaxed stance on Amateur Status. Tournaments classified as a “Scratch ONLY” tournament will now be able to pay up to $1000 CASH to the winner. A tournament that includes a Net division is NOT Scratch Only Tournament and no cash payments may be awarded. However, SNGA suggests that our associations continue paying out with gift cards. Additionally, she reported that having raffle tickets, magic putts and mulligans included in the entry fee may compromise your associations’ amateur status. Questions such as not adding those items on your entry form or possibly giving as a tee prize to circumvent this issue were raised. Ann discouraged and gave the link to to search for Amateur Status information. (The above represents the discussion perfectly but a follow-up clarification will be sent out that revises what was discussed at the meeting.)
On a side note, a person who gives golf instruction will not be considered an Amateur. Additionally, Ann mentioned that starting January 1, 2022 USGA member clubs will benefit all clubs throughout the United States. USGA702 Golf Club will be our club within SNGA with several marketing tools to help grow membership. SNGA’s goal for 2021 was to have 14,000 members and met it with the addition of 2000 members. Their goal for 2022 is 16,000! Ann mentioned that she would like more feedback on the creation of the videos to market your associations. Several suggestions were made such as having maps for new residents to easily locate an association closest to them, Private club membership availability, Public course information. Lastly, there was a question from Margie Cashwell regarding the SNGA Board of Directors meeting and who was invited to attend. Ann stated that most likely, there is a representative from each Club but not necessarily each association. Your association could possibly be the representative for your Club/Course but the GM or Director of Golf will most likely be the representative.
Golf Genius/Website-Sandy Barletta reported that as she gets dates and entry forms from Secretary, Monica Kaili she will add or has added to the website for anyone to download.
Rules-Sue May stated that there is a new Hard Card with the one rule addition that as of to date has not been added to the USGA Rules of Golf but is a local rule adopted for use in all WSNGA Championship Tournaments, Team Play and Nevada State Women’s Championships. All clubs should be using it for their tournaments. The following is from a separate correspondence from Sue May. iIf you put on top of your rule sheet “The WSNGA Hard Card is in Effect, all the Model Local Rules are in Effect”. Model Local Rule F-5: Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16-1. The player also has these extra options to take relief when such immovable obstructions are close to the putting green and on the line of play. Ball in General Area: The player may take relief if an immovable obstruction is – On the line of play, and is within two club-lengths of the putting green, and within two club-lengths of the ball. You would find the nearest point of complete relief in the General Area, no closer to the hole, mark your reference point and drop within one club length in the General Area.
Unofficially, Sherry Jackson suggested the removal of the 10 stroke differential when compiling your rules for your Member/Guests and/or Invitationals. It is not a rule under the Rules of Golf and not necessary per Sue May due to the USGA’s use now of percentage of handicaps.
Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported that there is a Captains meeting immediately following the general meeting
Silver Cup-Captain Laura Smith shared that she and Robbin Sanchez enjoyed the two years of captaincy and their 2021 Silver Cup experiences that included terrific weather for practice rounds but snow for the first round that eventually was canceled. Shuffling to get to a course for the second round that wasn’t the scheduled site and that even most of the North girls hadn’t played let alone the South. Finally for the last round, getting back to Arrowcreek, a beautiful course with extremely tough putting but eventually not being able to prevail. She stated that the comraderie shared between the teams is what Silver Cup is about and why it was originally created. President, Karen Herness presented a thank you gift to Laura and Robbin of a beautifully framed photograph with both teams from WSNGA.
Comunication-Ann Sunstrom reminded us to continue sharing feature stories on your members.
Nominating Committee-Debbie Love presented the slate of Officers after mentioning that there was no additional interest in the positions.
President | Helen Rusty Beckel |
Vice President | Tracey Blake |
Treasurer | Sandra Jenkins |
Secretary | Monica Kaili |
Tournament Directors | Sherry Jackson and Elizabeth Bridge |
The slate was unanimously accepted.
New Business-New Silver Cup Captains were announced for the 2022/2023 teams and they are Christine Soscia and Regina Quintero!! Congratulations!
Thank You to outgoing President, Karen Herness-Sue May gave Karen a big Thank You for all she accomplished during her two years in office. Karen was able to persevere through Rules Changes, implementation of Golf Genius and Live Scoring but mostly getting us through Covid. She presided over a lot of great breakfast meetings to accomplish the needs of the WSNGA which included the creation of a Tournament Committee to bring back Fun Days and to see our membership grow. Sue presented Karen with a lovely inscribed silver key chain with her name and President of WSNGA.
Next meeting: Monday March 14, 2022
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 am
Approved: September 30, 2021 by KH
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on
September 27, 2021 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Karen Herness called the
meeting to order at 8:34 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or
by proxy.
Approval of Minutes-President, Karen Herness asked for the approval of the last meeting
minutes. Debbie Love made a motion to accept and Denise Shubeck seconded. All those
present approved.
President’s Welcome- Karen Herness greeted the delegation and thanked everyone for
Treasurer’s Report- Rusty Beckel reported that the Bank Reconciliation Reports for the Summer months will be forthcoming in a subsequent email from Secretary, Monica Kaili. The Profit/Loss statement is available for the delegates to review. She also stated that with SNGA’s generosity they will be subsidizing Silver Cup with additional funds for this year’s team. Discussion ensued in regards to the amount of funds that we carry in our Savings account and what is its purpose. Margie Cashwell mentioned that she would like to see some of the funds used to subsidize tournament entry fees. Rusty explained that the money is being held in reserve and as mentioned by Ann Sunstrum we are considered by the IRS as a “Not for Profit” organization as opposed to a “Non-Profit” organization. Consequently, we can have reserves without penalty. However, as a Board we had discussed spending $1000-2000 on either Fun
Days or regular tournaments and will do so at a subsequent meeting of the Board.
Secretary’s Report- Monica Kaili reported that when compiling your Invitational entry forms to also include an email address and/or a phone number for the contact person and not just their physical mailing address as well as stating that an email confirmation will be given on the status of your entry. She has received several inquiries into the status of an entry and because she is not affiliated with these associations she does not have that information. She also stated that she is not comfortable giving out anyone’s contact information.
The next item she reported on was the 2022 Officer Lists. She will be sending out the previous years’ Officer Lists as she has done in the past and you can either change it and send back or just send a new list. She understands that your elections are coming up and the information may not be available for some time but the sooner you send the sooner she can update her email distribution list to add or delete delegates.
Tournament Director – Sherry Jackson stated that the Tournament Status report has been updated and are available for you here today. She mentioned the winners for the Southern NV Am and mentioned that the results for the State Am were not available to her. Only 17 players participated and it was surmised that it was most likely held too close to State Partners.
The State Quad was rescheduled due to the excess smoke conditions and unfortunately only had 6 teams for a total of 24 players.
SNGA and WSNGA will work closely together to schedule the 2022 calendar.
Lastly, Sherry introduced Elizabeth (Liz) Bridge to the delegates as someone who is interested in being her Co-Tournament Director for the 2022-2023 seasons. She is an expert with Golf Genius and was instrumental in bringing it to both the clubs she participates in-Siena and The Red Rock Country Club.
Fun Days-Sherry congratulated both Sandy Barletta and Liz Bridge on their fantastic jobs at The Anthem Country Club and Red Rock Country Club. Although it rained for the original Fun Day at the RRCC, the luncheon was still held and some of the ladies rolled their entry fee over to the rescheduled day of December 6th for a cost of $83. As of today, there are 52 entries with the course offering up to 144. Promotion of the event will come closer to the date.
SNGA-Ann Sunstrum reported that their Executive Board voted to keep Golf Genius as the tournament software to use for their events as well as for member associations to use. The USGA has decided to go in a different route so SNGA had to broker their own deal with Golf Genius at a big expense to them. Ann reported that it was due to the positive feedback SNGA was receiving from the associations that made it an easy decision. On a side note, it was mentioned that WSNGA is represented at the SNGA by Deb Koch and Sue May.
The Shriners tournament is coming up and if you want tickets you can go to the SNGA website and use the promo code slider. You can also donate to Jr. Golf @ to become eligible for prizes such as tickets, foursomes of golf @ TPC Summerlin and a “Behind the Ropes” meet and greet. Just a reminder that if you order tickets-they are now paperless and you will need your phone to access the tickets.
The CJ Cup is coming to the Summit a week after the Shriners and volunteers are still needed. The cost of your volunteer uniform has come down from $70 to now only $20. This may be your only chance to see the course and with your volunteer badge you can gain entry every day
of the tournament.
Lastly, Ann reiterated that indeed SNGA will be subsidizing this year’s players on the Silver Cup team. A Big Thank You to SNGA!!!
Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported that after contacting all of the team captains for 2021 they are all returning for the 2022 Season. There is the possibility of adding two teams (Conestoga and Anthem CC) to equal 19 team and with that comes a possible scheduling challenge. One being that Nancy had wanted to try to compress the Season so that it doesn’t go too deep into the Summer months and the other being that we don’t want 144 players on the course. That would lead to 6 hour rounds and would defeat the purpose of having fun as well as the possible loss of participation. Discussion ensued and a suggestion was made to possibly have two different courses on the dates that have already been contracted for. The subject was tabled to give the Board and Nancy an opportunity to further discuss and work out the details. Nancy asked for volunteers to shadow her for a year and to be ready to take over for 2023.
Communications-Ann Sunstrum reported that there is a new page on the website and it is on the WSNGATV tab. You can view all videos that have been created so far and any new ones to come. The first one featured Regina Quintero and Ronda Henderson and their journeys
together -as close friends and caddies to one another- to the USGA Women’s Sr. Open. The next is scheduled to feature Carrie Langevin who just participated in the USGA Women’s Sr. Am. She mentioned that if you or your association would like to create a video to contact them at SNGA. Sherry Jackson mentioned that it would be especially helpful for new residents to the Las Vegas Valley to see what our public course associations have to offer. Karen Herness suggested a map on our website. Ann stated that she would have to look into the cost of building that into our website.
Old Business-
Officer List-already mentioned
New Business-Karen mentioned that the Board will review the Silver Cup Standing Rules after the 2021 Silver Cup is played and if anyone would like to join in on the conversation to please let someone on the Board know so you can be invited to that meeting.
New Membership to WSNGA-Conestoga is a new association interested in belonging to WSNGA. They have paid their dues and given us all requisite information for membership. Their President is Sue Brattin and their VP is Kathy Ure. A motion was to approve and accept their membership was made by Debbie Love and seconded by Sue May. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Returning Member to WSNGA-The Anthem Country Club has asked to rejoin the WSNGA. Their membership fee was waived and all of their requisite information was received. Their President is Connie Monk and their VP is Sue Goode. A motion to approve and accept their membership was made by Margie Cashwell and seconded by Nancy Lauback. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Team Play Player Housing-A suggestion was made by Judy Susemiehl in a previous communication to President Karen Herness, to host the players coming from out of town, particularly Mesquite. Instead of one person coordinating, it was suggested that the captains whose course(s) is hosting that match can reach out to the visiting team Captain. Each team usually has 10-15 players on their roster so there should be plenty of ladies who can offer a room for one or two or even more ladies. When the time comes to go to Mesquite those ladies can reciprocate to any team that housed them.
Nominating Committee-Karen Herness announced the names of the committee. They are as follows along with their email addresses:
Debbie Love | [email protected] |
Margie Cashwell | [email protected] |
Ronda Henderson | [email protected] |
The slate is as follows:
President | Rusty Beckel |
Vice President | Tracey Blake |
Secretary | Monica Kaili |
Treasurer | Sandy Jenkins |
Tournament Director | Sherry Jackson & Elizabeth Bridge |
Sherry mentioned that if you are ever interested in a position to refer to the Bylaws for the tasks and responsibilities of each position. Please be proactive in selecting and voting for your Officers and if you would like to see yourself or anyone else in a certain position, we do accept nominations from the floor. Please contact someone on the committee.
Next meeting: Monday December 13, 2021
Meeting adjourned at 9:28 am
Approved: September 30, 2021 by KH
June 14, 2021
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on
June 14, 2021 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Karen Herness called the meeting
to order promptly at 8:30 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically present or
by proxy.
Approval of Minutes-President, Karen Herness asked for the approval of the last meeting
minutes. Debbie Love made the motion and Margie Cashwell seconded. All those present
President’s Welcome- Karen Herness greeted the delegation and thanked everyone for
attending. There was a change in the Agenda order in case Tournament Director Sherry
Jackson needed to leave early.
Tournament Director Report: Sherry Jackson distributed the updated spread sheet with the
remaining tournament dates for 2021. Her report on the events that have already occurred are
as follows:
1- Desert Willow Fun Day held April 5th had 72 participants but also had 5 on the waiting list.
Although the event was full it did not necessarily attract many new players to WSNGA but had
many Desert Willow Ladies Association members who had never participated in a WSNGA
2-The Southern Nevada Senior Am/Mid Am held at the Boulder City Municipal on April 18-19
had 6 Mid Am participants in the age group (25-40) that we are trying to attract to WSNGA.
This was the first year and with more publicity for this event we are hoping to have higher
participation in years to come. There were also 49 Seniors.
- Mid-Am
- Gross Kim Braaten
- Net Shayna Bott
- Senior
- Overall
- Gross Regina Quintero
- Net Linda Cartwright
Silver Flight- Age 50-59
- Gross Ronda Henderson
- Net Theresa Summers
Gold Flight-Age 60-69
- Gross Rusty Beckel
- Net Sandi Wade
Platinum Flight-70+
- Gross Karen Herness
- Net Yangcha Crabb
Sherry continued with her report on upcoming events.
1-Southern Nevada Am/Silver Cup Qualifier to be held at Reflection Bay on June 20-21 now has
53 participants with 45 trying to qualify for the Silver Cup team. Silver Cup will be held in the
North at the Club at Arrow Creek October 11-13.
2-State Partners will be held in the South at Cascata on July 8-9 and was full but a few teams
have canceled. Please send this information to your members so they have an opportunity to
sign up and play a fantastic golf course.
3-Nevada State A will be held in the North at Red Hawk-Ranch course on July 17-18. As of the
date of this meeting there were only 7 entries and understandably the dates may be too close
to Partners. The link is available on the NNGA website.
4-State Quad will be held in the North at the Dayton Valley Golf Course on August 24-25. The
link to sign up for that is also available on the NNGA website.
5-Fun Day at the Red Rock Country Club on July 26. Currently there are 32 players but the
event can handle 144. You can sign up using the Play Golf Tab on the WSNGA website.
Treasurer’s Report-Rusty Beckel reported that the Bank Reconciliation reports are generated
every month and the delegates should be receiving them. Items she discussed included:
1-Team Play Party Payment-to date she had yet to receive payment from several teams for the
2-An experiment to have the ability to use electronic payments, such as Venmo or PayPal for
regular season Team Play events did not go well. There were some security issues but with
time and perseverance she is hoping to someday have this capability.
3-WSNGA purchased 100 magnetic hat clips with our logo for the Desert Willow Fun Day and
will bring the balance of them to the Red Rock Fun Day.
4-WSNGA donated $125 for a tee sponsor sign for a Junior Golf Event.
5-The books are open for review if anyone is interested.
Secretary-Monica Kaili has started the 2022 Calendar and requested your 2022 dates.
SNGA Report-Ann Sunstrom reminded us of the section in the Newsletter that highlights
individual Women that live and play golf in Southern Nevada. A new commercial is being
produced and will use some footage from the upcoming Southern Nevada Am. She mentioned
that if there is anything you would like to see in the commercial to contact her at SNGA. Lastly,
she reported on challenges that some associations have taken on to raise awareness and
donations for Junior/High School Golf. Conestoga and Chimera have already risen to the
challenge and we hope more associations will follow suit. When asked what type of personal
donations are appropriate for the Junior Golfers, Ann stated that they appreciate balls, clubs
and bags.
Committee Reports:
- Rules: Sue May-Requested a change to our Standing Rule regarding the caddie policy that will coincide with the SNGA/USGA policy. Currently, our policy states that the caddie must walk and carry the player’s clubs. They may not drive golf carts unless it is required by the host club. She recommended that we change it to the “One Seat Policy”. Either the player OR their caddie may ride in a golf cart at any time. But at no time may BOTH the player and caddie ride in a golf cart at the same time. Player’s may
walk, Caddies may walk and carry the clubs. Debbie Love made a motion to change the standing rule and Monica Kaili seconded. The motion passed unanimously and will be implemented for the upcoming Southern Nv Am. - Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported that despite the challenges due to Covid, the 2021 Season was a huge success. This could not have happened without the cooperation of the hosting team captains and their course management teams that at some matches had to accommodate the needs of up to 128 players. The winners are as follows:
Overall Champions-Business Women Runner-Up- Boulder City Purple Gross Champions-Canyon Gate Runner-Up-Chimera Black Net Champions-Siena Runner-Up-Red Rock Country Club The Team Play Party is scheduled for June 28th at Boulder Creek for a cost of $65 and will include golf, lunch, team prizes and 3 KPs as well as 3 “Second Chance” KPs. The format is an ABCD Scramble with over 100 women signed up. With the use of Golf Genius Sandy Barletta will assign the teams which should come out fairly evenly. Four (4 ) Gross places will be paid out-there will be no Net prizes as the Handicaps should be even. A special thank you to Sandy Barletta for all of her hard work implementing Golf Genius and Elizabeth Bridge for assisting Sandy. The trophy presentation will follow lunch. Nancy also mentioned that the ladies associations at Conestoga in Mesquite and Mountain Falls in Pahrump are planning on having a team for the 2022 Season. The dates for the 2022 are set and contracts are being finalized. We will undoubtedly see an increase in pricing. Mention was made that Spanish Trail did a fabulous job with the breakfast buffet they supplied before play. A suggestion was made to possibly resume luncheons after play. Discussion ensued and the consensus was that it will be at each host captain’s discretion to offer either the breakfast and/or lunch options.
- SNGA Liasion-Karen Herness reported that she is the new liason but that she just forgot to change it on the Agenda. She stated that she sent a report to SNGA.
- Communications-Ann Sunstrum mentioned that there is a Board of Directors meeting that your club representative should attend. It is being held on July 26th.
Old Business-None
New Business-Ann Sunstrom encouraged the delegates to participate in the events that are taking place in the North and to pass on the information to their members. The links to sign up have been up and running since the end of April/beginning of May. This year the State Am will be at Red Hawk with the men on one course and the ladies on the other.
Next meeting: Monday Sept 20,2021
Meeting adjourned at 9:09 am
Approved: July 12, 2021
March 12, 2021
A regular meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held on
March 12, 2021 at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. President, Karen Herness called the
meeting to order promptly at 8:30 am. Delegates from all associations were either physically
present or by proxy with the exception of the Las Vegas Country Club. Due to Covid concerns
and/or restrictions, WSNGA has waived membership participation in these regular meetings for
the rest of 2021.
Approval of Minutes-President, Karen Herness asked for the approval of the last meeting
minutes. Rusty Beckel made the motion and Margie Cashwell seconded. All those present
Treasurer’s Report-Rusty Beckel reported that the Draft of the Budget was approved (as of
January 19, 2021-this date is the email that I sent with the approval). Profit and Loss
Statements as well as all Reconciliation statements have been previously emailed. She also
reported that we received our $7,000 allowance from SNGA with all of our gratitude.
President’s Report- Karen Herness welcomed everyone back and wanted to report on all the
happenings during our Pandemic Year.
She thanked the Executive Board for their diligence in keeping the WSNGA running while we
could not hold regular meetings. A special thanks went out to SNGA for their continued support
and leadership in running our competitive tournaments which frees us up to reinstitute and run
our Fun Days. It goes without words that we truly appreciate their assistance in acquiring
Cascata for our State Partners tournament to be held in July.
Sue May was especially busy revising all of our Standing Rules. We no longer have a State
Association to help her with this task.
Golf Genius(GG)Training was initiated with the guidance of Sandy Barletta.
Tournament Committee/Fun Days-A Tournament Committee was created (Sherry Jackson,
Sandy Barletta, Elizabeth Bridge and Monica Kaili) and is currently being trained to use GG and
given the task to create and run our reinstituted Fun Days. The first Fun Day was held on March
1 at the Anthem Country Club and was a huge success. The second is scheduled for April 5th at
Desert Willow. It was reported that originally it was only open to 50 due to Covid restrictions
but has since been opened to 72 players. Currently there are 59 signed up so space is still
available. An email was sent out to the delegates to inform them of this. The third Fun Day is
scheduled for July 26 at the Red Rock Country Club and sounds to be a truly Fun Day! Currently
there is plenty of space available.
Attracting new and younger players to WSNGA is one of the goals that we are working hard on.
One is advertising and we thank the SNGA for creating a commercial that has been aired on the
Golf Channel for the direct purpose of promoting WSNGA. Further discussions on holding
tournaments on the weekends ensued but as usual the same obstacles are ever present. Price
of green fees on the weekends, course availability on the weekends and conflicts with
member/guests are our usual issues.
Continual reporting through the means of the WSNGA calendar on the scheduling and
rescheduling of events has been handled very well by Secretary Monica Kaili.
Congratulations to our Silver Cup team for bringing home the trophy from the North. The event
was held at Paiute this past November and we want to extend a special thanks to the Captains,
Laura Smith and Robbin Sanchez.
Tournament Director Report: Sherry Jackson created and distributed a spread sheet with some
of the upcoming tournaments for 2021 but it is also in an attachment in the email that include
these minutes. All those dates are also included in the 2021 Calendar that has just recently
updated as of March 13, 2021 and is also included in an attachment. Quad is set for 8/24-25 at
Dayton Valley outside of Carson City. Please note the change to Silver Cup to be held on
October 11-13 and NOT October 4-6. Applications for the So. NV Am and State Partners will be
available soon so continue to check the website for them. Lastly, the State Am will be held in
the North and the men and women will be playing at the same facility but NOT on the same
course. Please let your members know of all the upcoming events so they too can participate!
SNGA Report-Ann Sunstrom state she had nothing to report.
Golf Genius and Website Update- Sandy Barletta reported that her part in maintaining the
WSNGA website includes the content that is shown through the Play Golf/GG portions. She also
reported that she has already helped several associations implement GG for their weekly
games. Applications of GG include sign ups, pairings, generating scorecards. If you are
interested in using GG for your club she volunteered to come over to your home to train or you
can view her training videos on YouTube. These are free tools offered by GG. However, GG
charges a fee for its Club Premium version, which includes Live Scoring among other things.
The question was raised by Margie Cashwell if it would be possible for SNGA or WSNGA to help
pay that fee. Ann Sunstrum replied that the fee is $3200 but if you go through SNGA it is still
$2500 and they are not in a position to pay that for the 90 clubs that fall under SNGA’s scope.
Committee Reports::
- Handicap: Margie Bowgren-nothing to report
- Rules: Sue May-nothing to report
- Team Play: Nancy Lauback – A Captains meeting to follow the WSNGA delegate meeting but did mention that we were moving forward with using Golf Genius
- Silver Cup Team Captains: Laura Smith and Robbin Sanchez-just informed of date change made by the North. Robbin stated there is nothing to do until the Qualifier that is being held in June. The budget has been approved for their expenses. Trophy engraving discussed with submission of bill to go to the Treasurer.
- Communication: Ann Sunstrom wants a submission on ideas for an article of interest to report on a the television commercial for the 25+ demographic. This should be the first step to determine best places to air the commercial. A suggestion was made to ask for Date of Birth to be added to entry forms and to GHIN. There are a total of 82 members in the age group of 19-49 and SNGA has been tasked to gain interest by 20 %. Bring someone to a Fun Day! Also Youth 30 Golf is a new club specifically targeted to golfers after they graduate from college. There are 4 courses that are amenable to charging $25 to gain interest and allow them to socialize within their own age group. They include Los Prados, Las Vegas National and two others.
- SNGA Liaison Report: Debra Koch has taken on the position of SNGA secretary and is no longer our liaison. Karen Herness has stepped up and is now our SNGA Liaison.
Old Business -A suggestion was made to use TikTok to advertise for the younger demographic.
New Business – None
Next Meeting -June 14, 2021 @ 8:30 at the Las Vegas National
Adjourned: 9:18 am
Approved: March 19, 2021
January 4, 2021
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) Executive Board was
conducted due to the continued social distancing protocols from the Coronavirus. A regular
meeting was still not recommended at this time but WSNGA interests still need to be
addressed. This meeting was held at the home of President, Karen Herness who called the
meeting to order at 9:20 am. All Executive Board members were present as well as the Team
Play Coordinator, Nancy Lauback.
- Team Play update: Nancy Lauback
- Tournament Committee report on 2021 schedule
- Treasurer’s Report
- Secretary report: Booklets
- Future meetings with Delegates
- WSNGA/SNGA Roles & Responsibilities
- Old Business: virtual clubs
- New Business
- Adjourn
Team Play Coordinator-Nancy Lauback reported that all information for the 2021 Season will be
going out to the Captains today (1/4/21) via email as soon as she receives the updated Team
Play Standing Rules and Basic Rules sheet. An in person Captains meeting was not advised at
this time. However, in order to start scheduling for the 2022 Season President Karen Herness
suggested to have the Captains meet after play March 22 at the Red Rock CC. It will be the first
event that all the teams will be at the same venue on the same day.
Nancy’s report:
1. Everything is set and ready for the 2021 Team Play Season. 17 Teams will compete. Two
new teams were added for 2021-BC Team 2(Boulder City Dam Team) and Painted Desert.
2. There will be a few adjustments regarding split days, split courses as well as double
shotguns. * A suggestion was made that the host Captains should reach out to their clubs prior
to their event to consult on their COVID protocols. Understandably it can change on a daily
basis but the information can go out to the Team Captains to distribute to their players.
Advance knowledge of what is being allowed will go a long way to showing our appreciation for
allowing us to hold the event on their course.
3. Red Division will play TPC on Feb. 8th and Blue Division will play on Feb 9th, both 9 am
4. Red Division will play LV Muni on March 8th and Blue Division on March 9th. At this time it
will be Tee Times.
5. Sun City Summerlin will be played on April 26th. Red Division will play Palm Valley and Blue
Division will play Highland Falls. 8 am shotguns
6. Chimera and Boulder City Muni will have double shotguns.
7. The remaining play days will be shotgun starts unless otherwise advised or directed due to
COVID rules that may be in affect at time of play.
8. Team Playoffs will be at Las Vegas National on Tuesday June 8th. We could not procure a
9. Team Play Party location TBD-Suggestions for TPC Las Vegas and Boulder Creek were made.
10. We will be running a trial using Golf Genius to track Team Play scoring and results. This will
be run in the background and tested to confirm correct results. Advantage should include a
single platform in which all Teams can access Team Play results and historical data. Future
discussions regarding the use of GG for TP will include the possibility of live scoring during
Tournament Committee-Sherry Jackson
Fun Days
- Anthem Country Club-March 1-Confirmed
- Desert Willow Golf Club-Tentative Date April 5
- Red Rock Country Club-Tentative Date July 26
Southern Nevada
- Sr Am-April 18-19-Boulder City Muni. Dates were revised from May 14-15
- Am/Silver Cup Quaifier-Reflection Bay-June 20-21
Nevada State
- Partners-Anthem Country Club March 29-30-Tentative
- Sr. Am-Boulder Creek (Desert Hawk/Coyote Run)- October 29-30
- Quad-Dayton Valley Golf Club-August 24-25
- Silver Cup-Arrowcreek Country Club-Challenge Course-October 4-6
All entry forms will be available at least 90 days prior to the event and can be found at (click on Women’s Golf).
Treasurer’s Report-Rusty Beckel distributed the December Bank Reconciliation report which
was emailed to the delegates by the Secretary. Also included in her report was the Balance
Sheet as of January 4, 2021 and the Profit and Loss Statement for 2020.
Treasurer was authorized to draft a budget based on last year’s actual and add allowances for Fun Days with a
$1,000 category for prizes which will need to be approved by the Board of Directors.
With those changes I approve.
Secretary-Monica Kaili reported that the 2021 booklets are not quite complete. To date, she
had still not received new Officer lists for several associations. She should have them
completed by January 15. Electronic copies will be sent to all Association representatives.
Future Delegate Meetings-President, Karen Herness stated that you are all on our minds and
hoping that everyone is doing well. We would like to have an in person meeting slated for
March 15 but will depend on current COVID protocols in place. Details will be forthcoming.
WSNGA Roles and Responsibilities-President, Karen Herness mentioned that she would like the
Officers to list their set of tasks. Some duties overlap while others may be overlooked. Sue May
added that she will send the SNGA calendar to the Secretary to add dates to avoid further date
Old Business-Virtual Clubs- Rusty Beckel asked the question, “Is there any way to reach out to these virtual clubs to get them interested in WSNGA?” Discussion ensued to contact some
ladies that we know are involved in these clubs throughout our valley.
New Business-From Ann Sunstrum-WSNGA commercial- SNGA has produced a commercial that
aired during the week of The Masters on The Golf Channel and has included the new TV spot in the
November WSNGA newsletter, along with a survey asking women to share what they watch on
television. We are trying to determine if this should be focused on men’s golf, women’s golf, both or some other channels. I hope you will encourage your friends to complete the survey.
The WSNGA Board thanks the SNGA for their efforts in producing this commercial and getting the airtime it deserves.
Also mentioned in New Business was the possibility of reaching out to our PGA professionals to garner interest from their female students.
Next Board Meeting
March 12, 2021 @ 8 am
Meeting Adjourned 11:25 am
Date approved
October 21, 2020
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) Executive Board was
conducted due to the social distancing protocols from the Coronavirus. A regular meeting is
not recommended at this time but WSNGA interests needed to be addressed. This meeting was
held at the home of President, Karen Herness on October 21, 2020. President, Karen Herness
promptly called the meeting to order at 8:00 am. All Executive Board members were physically
present with the exception of Treasurer Rusty Beckel who was present via Facetime.
- Tournament Committee report on 2021 schedule
- Website report from meeting with Ann Sunstrom
- Team Play update
- Treasurer’s Report
- Review the Quad tournament as a whole then discuss
a. My Paulsen’s request for reimbursement - WSNGA/SNGA Roles & Responsibilities
- New Business
2021 Tournament Schedule
- State Partners-Tentative Anthem Country Club in late March
- Southern Nv Am/SC Qualifier-Reflection Bay June 20-21
- Southern Nv Senior Am-Boulder City Muni-May 14-15
- State Senior-Boulder Creek-October 29-30
Fun Days-Karen mentioned that we should like the Tournament Committee to begin planning
several fun days in order to attract new players to WSNGA. She suggested courses like Desert
Willow and Eagle Crest to introduce new players on a short course to WSNGA and then go to
full length courses for more Fun Days. We are also open to suggestions for incentives to those
who bring someone to new out to play.
Website-Any recommendations made to improve navigating the WSNGA tab on the SNGA
website were taken to task. A request to add a month by month calendar with the dates of all
events was made in order to avoid conflicts in scheduling. We still suggest if there is anything
that you would like added to the website to contact the Secretary, Monica Kaili who will then
send to the Board for approval. Once it is approved, our Website Chairperson, Sandy Barletta
will add. She has limited access but our Website contact at SNGA, Renee Rocco will assist.
Team Play-The Captain’s Meeting date and time TBD but we are hoping to move forward and
schedule in January with at least 2-3 weeks prior to the first match. Discussion ensued
regarding the possibility that having 128 players could still be problematic by the first match in
February. Most courses if not all, will not be able to provide 128 golf carts for single riders.
Captains need to contact their Head Pros or GMs for options. The Board suggested the
- 2 Day Event-either M/T or Two consecutive Mondays
- Double Shotgun Start-One in the Morning and one in the Afternoon
- Possibly using a different course
Each host could use a different option. We do not have to play all events the same way but it’s
imperative that the Captains move on this sooner rather than later.
Treasurer’s Report-The Financial statement for September was sent through email to all the
delegates. Rusty Beckel reported that we are yet to be reimbursed for Quad but once those
numbers are final we can consider a donation to Junior Golf. Rusty also reported that we are a
501c4-Non-Profit Social Welfare Organization and the combined checking and savings in our
reserves will not jeopardize this status. She studied the data dating back 10 years and she
found that the reserves accumulated during the years that WSNGA had a higher handicap
income, has fluctuated over the years (last year we spent more than we took in), but has
generally averaged what we currently have on hand.
Quad-Course conditions significantly improved but in a show of good faith, SNGA was able to
negotiate a $25 re-play certificate that was greatly appreciated.
- a. My Paulson’s request for a refund-The Guidelines state that for a health emergency
a refund can be given less a $10 administration fee. The green fees have already
been paid to the golf course so this means the refund will come from the reserves in
our Treasury. The Board agreed in light of today’s circumstances and agreed the
entire team will receive a refund. Rusty will draft a letter of explanation and will
enclose their refund.
WSNGA Roles and Responsibilities-Tabled
New Business-Tabled
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am
The next meeting TBD
Monica Kaili, Date Approved Nov. 7, 2020
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) Executive Board was
conducted and due to the social distancing protocols still in place a regular meeting is still not
advised at this time. WSNGA interests continue the need to be addressed. President Karen
Herness called the meeting to order at 9:35 am at her home on September 07, 2020. All
Executive Board members were physically present.
- Review AM/Sr. AM/Silver Cup Qualifier tournament.
- Discuss Quad.
- Tournament Committee to schedule 2021 events
- Golf Genius Skype Training report
- Treasurer’s report
- WSNGA/SNGA Roles & Responsibilities
- New Business
Review of the So. NV Am/So. NV Sr. Am/Silver Cup Qualifier: Several items were discussed
which included a Late entry policy and Items to be added to our Amateur Standing Rules which
will be reflected on the application. Examples include the SNGA refund policy, which Handicap
revision date to be used, how to break ties and a Code of Conduct policy.
So. NV Am
- Overall Gross Kim Braaten
- Overall Net Christina Brandt
So, NV Sr. Am
- Overall Gross Regina Quintero
- Overall Net Yoshie Masuda
Sherry Jackson reported that until she gets the final numbers from SNGA she will not be able to
reconcile the budget for the three tournaments. Live scoring was used for the first time in this
event through the use of the Golf Genius app and several volunteers. Unfortunately, It wasn’t
evident how widely it was being used by the participants. Going forward we hope to widely
distribute the daily GGID numbers so anyone can follow the updated scoring. All in all, it went
smoothly and will be considered for future events. Thank you to those who volunteered and
especially to Sherry Jackson, the Rules Officials and SNGA for all the hard work that goes into
running an event.
Silver Cup Yardages/Handicap Holes-Sherry Jackson gathered the data on how difficult each
hole played vs. the scorecard version of hole difficulty. She reported that holes 4, 6, 9 and 16
will most likely need to be changed for Silver Cup purposes and will be shared with the ladies
from the North in advance of the event. The captains, Laura Smith and Robbin Sanchez picked
their first 9 low gross/net players and will contact those that become their Captain’s picks and alternates. Those names can be found on your Front 9 Back 9 Newsletter that was sent from
SNGA on Friday September 4th.
Quad: Scheduled for Oct. 12-13 at Primm Valley-Desert Course. To date there are 19 teams
signed up with room for one more team of 4 players. SNGA will be conducting this tournament
so if you have any questions please contact SNGA.
2021 Events: Southern Nevada will be hosting the following events. Tentative dates and
courses are included below.
So. NV Sr. Am | May | 50-80 players |
So. NV Am/SC Qualifier | June | 40-60 players |
State Partners | March | 20-40 Teams |
State Senior | November | 50-80 players |
SNGA conducts these events for us, so our tournament committee will coordinate their event
dates with ours in order to move forward with the aforementioned events. Sue May has been
added to our committee. Also mentioned and important to the Board is to try to get some of
the events on a Sunday/Monday.
Golf Genius(GG) Skype Training: Sandy Barletta created a virtual class for our associations to
learn how to use every aspect of GG up to and including creating your association, calendar,
weekly signups and live scoring. She had a Skype meeting with ladies from LV Muni and several
others that were interested in learning and was able to record 2 of the 3 sessions. However, in
her opinion the recordings were not to her standard and she has dedicated herself to create
recordings with only instructions and without students present. Once she is satisfied these
recordings will be accessible through a link she will share and also on the website. The second
part of the lesson is forthcoming.
Treasurer’s Report: Rusty presented the August Bank Reconciliation report including commentary on
outstanding transactions for the Team Party. Full reconciliation of the event will be presented when all
transactions have cleared. She also reported that she played in the event with 49 players who
each received a box lunch at the turn, a gift certificate for a free round of golf at TPC Las Vegas
as well as prizes for several skill challenges at a cost of only $85/person. Rusty shared that she
was able to purchase Amazon gift cards with our WSNGA logo with no additional fees for an
email certificate. The laminated certificates come with a small fee. These certificates can be
generated for any of our events as long as we are not obligated to purchase through the Pro
WSNGA/SNGA Roles and Responsibilities: A suggestion was made to have a Tournament “To Do
List” which Sherry Jackson volunteered to create. Any and all things from contacting the
courses and negotiating prices, creating applications, purchasing trophies and gift certificates to almost anything you can imagine in order to have a cohesive committee that can work together to accomplish a smoothly run event. Rusty will create a Financial Flow Chart- Monica to
consolidate the Calendar for the Executive Board with ALL events.
Promoting Women’s Golf: What can we do to promote golf to the age demographic of 18-40
year old women who work and may still be raising a family? Sue May mentioned that SNGA is
working extremely hard to get the interest to that age group in the form of a commercial
advertising on the Golf Channel, creating pamphlets to be handed out booths at the Shriners or
stores like the PGA store and Golf Galaxy. Several suggestions were made to promote women’s
golf at your association in the form of creating Social events to bring a new friend. Maybe ask
those ladies you see in the clubhouse before or after you play and/or participate in Fun Days
that we will be planning for 2021. Non-competitive fun for all.
New Business: A suggestion was made to assess our ability for 2020 to make a charitable
contribution to Southern Nevada Junior Golf . This assessment would take place after all expenses for the year are in with the contribution being made within the Board’s expense authorization .
Website: There have been several complaints that the website is hard to navigate and getting Sandy
Barletta (our website chair) access has its limitations. It is a goal of WSNGA to accomplish this feat. Our
issue in addition to navigation is that content is outdated. We have been told that there are limitations to the pages Sandy Barletta can change. We need to understand those limitations to determine how we manage what we want on the website. Please use this link to sign up for events and to also get general information about WSNGA.
Information Distribution: Due to feedback we have had we are unsure that information is
getting to some association members. We would like to add your Presidents to the email
distribution list in the hopes that they can assist with dissemination of information at your
Next WSNGA Executive Board Meeting
October 21, 2020
The meeting adjourned at 11:35 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
August 08, 2020
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) Executive Board was
conducted and due to the social distancing protocols still in place a regular meeting is still not
advised at this time. WSNGA interests needed to be addressed hence a meeting request was
made by President Karen Herness. President Karen Herness promptly called the meeting to
order at 2:00 p.m at her home on August 08, 2020. All Executive Board members were
physically present with the Treasurer Rusty Beckel participating via phone conferencing.
Treasurer’s Report-Rusty Beckel: The July financial statement was approved by the Board and
subsequently sent to delegates.
Review of the State Amateur: Sue May reported that everything went smoothly and that the
additional non-cash monetary prize fund was made possible by Eric Dutt-GM of Reflection Bay
and the tee prizes for the winners was made possible by SNGA. Sue stated that since we are
under the umbrella of SNGA, pricing/budgeting for State events that the Men receive the
Women are also entitled to.
Tournament Chair – Sherry Jackson
A suggestion by Karen Herness was made to hold WSNGA events on at least one (1) weekend
day in order to accommodate some ladies who are still working and who cannot get weekdays
off to participate. In the past, the course’s fees were higher due to demand of weekend play
which WSNGA did not want to pass on to the players to out price them out of the competition.
According to Sherry, it is on average an additional $30/player. However, as noted above we can
utilize our SNGA parent to attain affordable fees.
Southern Nevada Amateur/Silver Cup Qualifier and Southern Nevada Senior
The event is still scheduled for Sept 2-3 with a 7:30 am shotgun at Paiute-Sun Course and to
date still has some spots available with registration closing on August 19th. Participants for the
Am and Senior Am will be playing the same yardages. Originally, the course was due to close
two weeks prior to the event. However, after this meeting Sherry was able to arrange for Paiute
to keep the course open for practice until August 27th. It will close again for 3 days and reopen
on August 31st.
We also discussed the possibility of implementing Live Scoring Stations through the use of
using Golf Genius for this event and are looking for4-6 non-playing volunteers for one or both
days but especially the second day. The number of stations will depend on how many
volunteers, but hopefully a minimum of a scorer every 3-4 holes is optimal. Training for those
unfamiliar is quick and easy if you don’t already have the experience. If you are interested then
please contact Karen Herness @ 503-704-7275 via text or email at [email protected].
At our last meeting and included in the minutes, the Board was also looking for volunteers to be
on a newly created Tournament committee. Those that have volunteered include Ellizabeth
Bridge from Siena and Red Rock CC, Sandy Barletta from Chimera and Monica Kaili from
Boulder City Muni. It was recommended to create a Flow chart for users to facilitate organizing
future tournaments by defining WSNGA’s roles in working with SNGA and NSGA.
State Quad-After an overwhelming affirmative vote by participants who had signed up for the
canceled March event the Quad has now been added back to the calendar for 2020. The dates
are October 12–13 at Primm Valley-Desert Course. Registration is now available through the website. There has been a slight glitch in signing up and making payment but this
issue should be resolved by today or by contacting SNGA directly. This event is open to the first
15 teams (60 players) but a wait list will be created for those after the 15 team mark.
President-Karen Herness reported that there are 7 women from several different associations
that have signed up to use learn Golf Genius at the club level at no cost to the associations.
Sandy Barletta is in the process of creating the user processes and will soon use launch Skype
for offsite website training.
Secretary-Monica Kaili relayed Team Play information from Nancy Lauback. She stated that
there will be 17 teams so the 2021 matches need to be contracted for 128 players. However, if
the courses are still only allowed one person per cart due to the Coronavirus then we will have
to come up with an alternate option. Suggestions were to have one division play on one
Monday and the other division on the following Monday. We discussed that it would be too
difficult to schedule on another day of the week because our associations have their scheduled
Ladies Days. It was then suggested to have the delegates reach out to their Team Play Captains
to start discussing a contingency plan with their pro shops. The team play dates are as follows:
Feb 8 TPC Summerlin | April 12 Canyon Gate |
Feb 22 Chimera | April 26 Sun City Summerlin @ Highland Falls |
Mar 8 LV Muni | May 10 Boulder City Muni |
Mar 22 Red Rock CC | May 24 Spanish Trail |
Next WSNGA Executive Board Meeting
September 7, 2020
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved August 13, 2020
May 20, 2020
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) Executive Board was
conducted due to the social distancing protocols from the Coronavirus. A regular meeting is
not recommended at this time but WSNGA interests needed to be addressed. This meeting
was held at the home of President, Karen Herness on May 20, 2020. President, Karen Herness
promptly called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. All Executive Board members were present.
Tournament Chair – Sherry Jackson
Southern Nevada Am/Silver Cup Qualifier/Southern Nevada Sr. Am- Sherry reported that there
were still several players who signed up for the original date in June for the Southern Nevada
Am in June who had not received their refund yet. They can still apply the funds towards the
September event if they choose to participate. However, for those who would like their refund
she is working with Tim Brand. The entry is now open for the September 2-3 event.
Tournament Chair – Sherry Jackson
Quad-The Board recommends that we cancel for 2020 but since it is a State event, delegates
from the North will have to be consulted.
Nevada State Partners-Genoa Lakes July 13-14
Nevada State Am-Reflection Bay July 18-19- Sue May had several items to report.
- Walking will be permitted
- Caddies may be permissible
- Spectator carts will not be provided
- Practice facility limitations
- Lunch-box lunches vs. awards luncheon based on social distancing protocols
- Rakes on each cart and for walkers a rules official to follow them to rake-the newly
implemented bunker rule may not be in place if this is possible. - Live scoring possibly implemented but a scorecard will still have to be turned in
Rules-Sue May (See above)
Treasurer-Rusty Beckel presented the Executive Board with a Budget and then reported that
SNGA has allocated $7000 to the WSNGA. She proposed that it be spent as follows:
$2500 Team Play Party
$3500 Silver Cup
$1000 Miscellaneous
The Board passed this proposal as well as the presented Budget. Also discussed was the $25
additional entry fee to qualify for the Silver Cup was to go back into the treasury for possible
use for Silver Cup when the competition is in the North. Lastly, Rusty reported that SNGA still has several documents needed to file the WSNGA’s tax returns but that all the business filings
have been completed.
Secretary-Monica Kaili reported that this should be our final meeting regarding the revision of
the Bylaws. After many months and many emails between the Board the Bylaws should be
completed and the Board to recommend sending to the delegates for approval. She has
formatted the older version with changes in red so the delegates can see where the changes
are and will be sent via email.
Next Meeting
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved May 26, 2020
Jan. 6, 2020
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club on Jan. 6, 2020. President Karen Herness promptly called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. All Associations were represented by attendance or by proxy with the exception of the Parliamentarian Dollie McPartlin. A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held Nov. 18, 2019 was made by Ronda Henderson and seconded by Debbie Love. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer report dated January 3, 2020 as well as corresponding reports were presented by Treasurer Rusty Beckel which included the reimbursement for the dissolution of the NSWGA. Rusty also reported on the Audit that committee members, Ronda Henderson, Gail Chow and herself (she was on the committee before she was nominated as Treasurer) found no anomalies and everything balanced.
Tournament Chair – Sherry Jackson
- State Quad-March 30-31 @ Primm-Desert Course-* see discussion below
- SNV Sr. Am-TBD-** see discussion below
- SNV AM/Silver Cup Qualifier-June 15-16 @ Paiute-Sun Course
- State Partners- July 13-14 @ Genoa Lakes (North)
- NSWGA State Am-TBD
- State Sr. Am-Sept. 22-23 @ Silver Oak (North)
*Discussion on Quad:
Applications are now available on the WSNGA website but it is still listed under 2019 Events. Please scroll to “All Events” and sort by date.
**Discussion on SNV Sr. Am:
In 2019, the event was canceled due to lack of participation and had to be combined with the SNV Am. The board is in discussion to bolster participation by creating two divisions for this event- a Championship division and an Open Division with two different sets of tees/yardages. Suggestions to have a more playable course with yardages to range from 5300-
5700 for the Championship Division and 4900-5200 for the Open Division was made by Sherry Jackson. Several delegates mentioned the time of year and conflicts with other events as well snowbirds leaving the area for the Summer for lack of participation. It was suggested to have the event in late April.
SNGA-Ann Sunstrum reported that you can now post scores but several delegates were still having issues with using the new GHIN app on their phones. Sherry Jackson also mentioned that there were still several courses that you could not post scores for yet. SNGA had done alot of work loading courses on the back end however, it was suggested to delete and then re-download. Today being the first day to have access to GHIN there was undoubtedly several million users trying to do the same thing and to just give a few hours. You can now choose to post your scores Hole by Hole or by Total Score but the automatic adjustment for net double bogey will only be capable using the Hole by Hole option. If by chance you do not post the day of, you can still post for the date you played but your adjusted handicap will not reflect the abnormal course conditions for that day. Remember that at least 8 people who played that course on that day must have posted their scores for any type of anomaly to be considered.
You will no longer be getting a “revision” but a “newsletter” on the 1st and 15th of every month but you should be able to pull a report for any day you choose. The term “revision” or “newsletter” is likely to be changed to something to be determined at a later date but contact USGA if you do not get yours through your email. A reminder that each individual club must have renewed their membership in USGA for this capability.
(On a side note and not mentioned in the meeting, I (Monica Kaili) went to on my desktop to see what the site had to offer. I logged in with my GHIN and last name then went to the Golfer Lookup Tab at the top of the page. I then went to My Clubs and my entire BCWGA association came up. I will be using/printing that page for team play purposes on the Monday before play to have in case of changes to my lineup. I won’t have to try to run a separate report for a past date. I suggest everyone try this!)
WHS Seminar-If you are interested in taking a seminar there is one scheduled for January 16th at TPC Summerlin. Send Ann Sunstrum an email if you would like to attend. Her email is [email protected].
Committee Reports:
Rules-Sue May reported that she brought Rules books for our new member Painted Desert. President Karen Herness mentioned that there are 6 appointed committee positions that may have become outdated. The board will be meeting in order to update them and send recommendations via email to the delegates.Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported that the 2020 Season is ready to go and the Captain’s meeting will take place immediately following this meeting.
SNGA Liaison-Deb Koch stated that Ann Sunstrum covered most of what is new with SNGA but instructed that Max Strokes will be counted by taking a Double Bogey plus your pops. In order to post an 18 hole score you must play 14 holes or more. If you play less than 14 holes then you can post a 9 hole score. It only takes 3 scores to establish a handicap and the calculation of your handicap is now the best 8 out of 20 recent scores with a FULL average. You should also contact your men’s groups to ensure that they are posting correctly instead of using their pseudo handicaps they use when playing in their member events. This hurts the women as well as the men who handicap. Lastly, if you post late then you will not receive the advantage of the abnormal course condition adjustment. The understanding was if you post late you get the advantage of the abnormal course condition adjustment if there was one but you don’t contribute to it, which could negate there being one if enough people post late. Old Business-Ronda Henderson reported on the progress of dissolving the NSWGA. At this point, it is just a matter of filing the proper forms with the IRS and will take some time. We are fortunate to have this work being done pro-bono and thank you to Ronda for procuring the person for this task. Consequently, with the dissolution of the NSWGA, a State committee to work with the North will need to be comprised.
WSNGA website-Contact is still Renee Rocco but it was suggested to still send any tournament or miscellaneous information that you would like posted on the website to be sent to Secretary Monica Kaili. She will then filter through the information and send to the Board for approval to be posted on the website.
Next Meeting
March 16, 2020 at The Las Vegas National
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved January 12, 2020
Nov. 18, 2019
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club on Nov. 18, 2019. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. All Associations were represented by attendance or by proxy with the exception of the delegate from Painted Desert. A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held September 9, 2019 was made by Fay Geddes and seconded by Linda Modlinski. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer report from August to November 7th was sent out in a previous email and presented by acting Treasurer Sherry Jackson. Sherry reported that although it’s not pretty it is fairly accurate.
Tournament Chair – Acting Tournament Director Sherry Jackson reported on the State Senior
Amateur held at Highland Falls on Nov. 5-6 that had a full field of 60.
Overall Gross Winner-Ronda Henderson
Overall Net Winner- Sigrid Schacher
Congratulations to them and to all the other winners!
Silver Cup-Rusty Beckel wanted to thank the WSNGA board on her and Karen Herness’ behalf on being able to have such an awesome and amazing experience being the Captains for the 2018/2019 Silver Cup Teams. It was an honor and a privilege and they both appreciate all of the support they were given. Rusty reported that although the weather turned out to be
fantastic the results were not what they had hoped. It was a tough start in the alternate shot format but the final match points did not truly reflect how hard and close all but a few of the matches were. Most went to the 16th hole each day! A special thanks to Sue May for being the On-Course Captain and Rules official.
Sherry Jackson announced that the Silver Cup Qualifier and Silver Cup event in 2020 will be held at Paiute -Sun Course. Laura Smith and Robin Sanchez who are both members at Pauite have both generously volunteered to be the Captains for the 2020 team!
2020 Events-Sherry Jackson
NSWGA Quad-Primm March 30-31 Desert Course-Hoping to get 30-35 teams
SNV Senior Am-TBD
SNV Amateur/Silver Cup Qualifier Paiute Sun Course June 15-16
State Partners Genoa Lakes July 13-14-There are great accommodations nearby
NSWGA State Am-TBD -This will be held in the South and possibly held in combination with the Men with a Net event as well
State Senior Women’s Amateur Championship Silver Oak Sept 22-23-Tahoe Area
Silver Cup Paiute Sun Course October 27-29-These dates occur on a Tues/Wed/Thu because there are so many other events in October that they didn’t want to conflict with.
All applications will be on the website.
Course Rating-Unfortunately, it was reported that no one has stepped up to take the role but
Tim Quinn at SNGA will still be compiling the reports. However, there won’t be any new ratings
until February of 2020 due to the new World Handicapping System.
Team Play-Nancy Lauback reported all teams have paid their dues and that Painted Desert will NOT be participating in Team play for the 2020 Season. There will be 14 teams and each team will have one BYE. The matrix is almost complete but with the withdrawal of Painted Desert it must now be revised. The Captains meeting will be held immediately following the next General meeting of the WSNGA.
Discussion ensued regarding the new World Handicap System (WHS) and how it will affect our cut-off date for choosing handicaps that will be used for each match. We are unsure whether or not a previous date’s handicap report can be pulled since handicaps update on a daily basis.
There were several concerns that include:
- Each captain may not be able to run the report on the cut-off date
- What happens when there is a change in your line-up and the inability to pull up the handicap for that player for a date that has past.
Ann Sunstrum will investigate whether or not there can be some way to pull past reports through GHIN and/or USGA.
Rules-Sue May-There was nothing to report.
Old Business
Sherry Jackson introduced the subject of joining the Nevada State Golf Association (NSGA). In the past we have always refused but she believes that it is time to join and become one association. The women in the North disbanded several years ago and from what Ann Sunstrum reported, we will have better representation and more efficiently run events. Any State event will be run entirely by the NSGA which includes acquiring venues, setting up and scoring and having rules officials.
There are no additional fees to join and we will actually have access to more funds. The board will consist of 6 members- 3 from both the South and the North and will be represented by both women and men. The board is actually voting this week to modify their bylaws and as Ronda Henderson mentioned there will be a lack of redundancy in having two associations.
We will be included on their website which you can access at as well as having our Southern Nevada events posted on the website. A motion to join the NSGA was made by Sue May and seconded by Ronda Henderson. The motion passed unanimously.
2020 Booklets-Monica Kaili mentioned that she sent Officer Lists to each delegate to update several months ago. She would like only the information that is included in the file she sent. Some delegates stated that they hadn’t received one so she will be re-sending in the next few weeks. She requests that you Save As and resend the file in an attachment to save time and
Audit Committee-There will be a meeting immediately following this meeting today and the report will be ready January 2020.
Nomination Committee-Sherry reported that the original nominating committee had to be newly comprised because all the committee ended up running for an office. Sharon Bunker was enlisted to present the slate:
President Karen Herness
Vice President Sue May
Secretary Monica Kaili
Treasurer Helen “Rusty” Beckel
Tournament Chair Sherry Jackson
Those on the slate exited the room so those present could take a vote. The slate passed unanimously and without any opposition.
New Business
Sharon Bunker announced that the Sun City Anthem Women’s Association has been renamed and reorganized into the Revere Women’s Golf Association and residents as well as non-residents of Sun City Anthem will be allowed to join. It was a difficult process to dissolve the original association but now that Sun City Anthem is no longer liable for happenings on the course to non-residents the ladies were able to accomplish this. Applications for 18-hole membership will be available as of January 1, 2020 and you can contact Sharon Bunker @ 702 202-0404 or email her at [email protected]. Ladies day is on Tuesdays and they alternate playing on the Lexington and Concord. As of today, they currently have approximately 65-70 members but are always open to new members.
Ann Sunstrum wanted to welcome Ronda Henderson to the Executive Board of SNGA! She also mentioned that you should be receiving the SNGA newsletter through your emails and if you haven’t received them to check your junk mail. It may have been sent there. If you are not receiving them and would like to then please contact her @ [email protected]. She also mentioned that the Tournament of Champions is scheduled for February 3rd, 2020 at The Dragon Ridge CC. Please send
your information regarding who your Champions are to [email protected]. As a reminder, all of your champions qualify for this event such as Gross/Net/Senior Champions and is flighted. Tee time is approximately 11:30 am with the awards luncheon to follow.
Next Meeting
January 6, 2020 at The Las Vegas National
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved November 24, 2019
Sept. 9, 2019
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club on Sept. 9, 2019. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. All Associations were represented by attendance or by proxy with the exception of the State Delegate Gabrielle Buonacorsi and the Parliamentarian Dollie McPartlin
A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held June 17, 2019 was made by Gail Chow and seconded by Karen Herness. All those in attendance approved. Sherry requested that if there is something that you would like added to future Agendas to please send the information to the Secretary, Monica Kaili. It will be added to the final draft for everyone’s availability at the meetings.
Association Membership- Sherry Jackson
Unfortunately, Southshore has pulled out of the WSNGA as of August 2019 so their members may not participate in Team Play or Silver Cup unless they were to join another member association. However, the good news is we have a new Association from Painted Desert! Welcome and we are glad to have you! Their Delegate is Suzaine A. Hollins and her email is [email protected].
The Treasurer reports from June and July were sent out in a previous email from Secretary Monica Kaili and were read by President Sherry Jackson. The reports for August and September are forthcoming.
Tournament Chair – Monica Fairbanks reported on the 2019/2020 Southern Nevada Schedule.
1-Social Event: Spanish Trail Sept 10-Although this date has past you may access any Social Event on the website under both the Men and Women’ tabs for future events.
2- The Nevada State Senior is being held at Highland Falls on November 5 and 6. The entry date closes in mid October so there is still plenty of time to sign up. As delegates, you should all sign up and try to get your members to sign up as well. The email that was sent out letting the ladies know they qualified to play in the event was helpful in getting more participation.
3-Silver Cup-October 13-15 @ Genoa Lakes
1-Southern Nevada Senior event may be held at Las Vegas National but no final decision has been made.
2- Paiute is a strong option for the Silver Cup Qualifier that usually occurs in June as well as holding the Silver Cup there in October or November. They are trying to work with us but nothing is definite at this point.
3-As in past years, the North and South will begin to rotate the Quad and State Partners. In 2020, the Quad will be in the South at Primm Valley on March 30-31 and the State Partners will be held in the North possibly in August.
There was also mention of the 2019 State Quad that was held in Reno in August. There were four teams representing the South with the team of Debbie Love, Regina Quintero, Monica Kaili and Gabrielle Buonacorsi taking 3rd Gross
Silver Cup-Karen Herness/Rusty Beckel
Practices are going well. There are different challenges each week and those that perform well are awarded with stickers to go on their Silver Cup logoed cap.
The Final Team (in no particular order):
Rusty Beckel Ruby Biehl Christina Brandt Sherry Jackson
Margie Cashwell Monica Fairbanks Fay Geddes Linda Prujan
Ilana Hardy Ronda Henderson Karen Herness
Sandy Jenkins Jackie Jordan Danielle Kaylor
Carrie Langevin Sherry Mescher Theresa Prospero
Regina Quintero Theresa Summers Gabrielle Buonacorsi
Rusty stated that they have started using Live Scoring with Golf Genious during their practices and are hoping they will be able to use it during the Event. Anyone interested can follow them while it’s happening! Uniforms have been ordered and can accommodate for the possible cold weather. The best news is how close the handicaps are between the South and North. In many past years the South has had to give up an extraordinarily high number of strokes!
Course Rating-This report was not read but was sent from Jan Hansen
September 9, 2019
Since our last meeting, the rating team has completed ratings of Paiute Sun and Snow. We rated all tees for men and three tees for women. This report also shows the finalized rating data for TPC Las Vegas which was not available for our last meeting.
Blue Tee 6699 yards 79.4/152
Blue/White Combo 6221 yards 76.2/148
White Tee 5867 yards 73.7/142
White/Red Combo 5457 yards 71.5/137
Red Tee 4869 yards 68.3/121
Yellow 6482 yards 77.0/143
White 5938 yards 73.8/133
Red 5368 yards 70.6/122
Yellow 6559 yards 77.1/139
White 5938 yards 72.8/129
Red 5201 yards 68.9/115
We are in the process of scheduling a rating for Mohave in Laughlin.
I want to thank the Board for your support as Course Rating Director for WSNGA/SNGA. It has been fun and I’ve learned a lot. Tim Quinn will be heading up the team going forward with help from Janis Lunde. You all will be in good hands and I am always available as a resource. (We are unsure as to who will be the WSNGA representative who will present the course rating reports).
There was a question from the floor from Sharon Bunker-Revere. How can they rectify not having to use the now adopted local rule of using rock areas as red penalty areas? Their rating has gone down and hence their handicaps have gone down also. It was stated that they would need to request a new course rating to be done.
Ann Sunstrum related that there were already two preliminary World Handicap System seminars held in July. The SNGA will be going to New Jersey for training and until the course materials are ready the dates for additional seminars have not been set yet. They are hoping to have the dates set in October for November seminars. Every club’s Handicap Chairperson or the person responsible for posting member’s scores will have to be certified and will need to do so by June of 2020. There will also be GHIN training sessions. Ann also mentioned eventually you will be able to post your scores on a hole by hole basis and that everyone will have access to the software to adjust your scores.
As for handicaps you use for your member days, member/guests and Invitationals your individual committees will make the decision on cut off dates. Since everyone will have a new handicap each and every day, it’s possible to choose which date/day of the week you want to pull handicaps for your events. However, there will still be the bi-weekly e-revisions that come out on the 1st and 15th of every month that can still be utilized.
Team Play-Nancy Lauback
Nancy reported that Jackie Pierson was very thorough and has given her everything that she needs for the 2020 Season with the dates and venues already set. She does need a Co-Chair so if anyone would like to volunteer she would be greatly appreciative. (After the meeting, Karen Herness and Monica Kaili volunteered to help) We now have two teams from Chimera and Painted Desert has expressed an interest in participating. Please let Nancy know as soon as possible if there is a change in your ability to participate or if you can add another team from your association. With the addition of Chimera (2) and Painted Desert there will still be an odd number of teams but Nancy will try to manage the competitor matrix so there aren’t too many Byes in a row.
Rules-Sue May
Sherry announced that we now have our own Hall of Fame Inductee and a congratulations went out to Sue May! The WSNGA bought full table and there will be quite a few of us there to help her celebrate.
Sue reported that there were no new rules clarifications.
Old Business-
Sherry addressed the idea of an event with the Utah Association and instead of taking a vote the matter was tabled.
Rise to the Top has been renamed to Monday Night Madness and rescheduled for Monday Oct. 14th. You can participate as an individual for $175 or get a group of six together at $150/person to have your own private bay. This is open to men as well. This includes 3 hours of golf, full dinner buffet and a drink ticket. There will be a 50/50 raffle, Monday Night Football squares available for purchase, Optional competitions to join in on (most targets hit, most points, etc.) All proceeds benefit junior golfers in Southern Nevada. You can register online at and click on the Monday Night Madness banner. If you have any questions, please call 702-430-2600 or email [email protected]. The date conflicts with Silver Cup but there are plenty of women who can still participate in this! Kudos to Los Prados for getting a team together!
New Business:
1-Create an Audit Committee: We need 3 people to complete the audit which entails going through the checks and receipts and make sure that they match. Jackie’s records are impeccable so this will not be a difficult task. Those that volunteered were Rusty Beckel who will head the committee but is in need of two more. Please let her know if you will help. This needs to be accomplished by January.
2-Create a Nominating Committee: We need 3 people and those who have volunteered to do another term may not be on the committee. The 3 who volunteered are Karen Herness, Sue May and Nancy Lauback. The slate needs to be completed by the next meeting with the following positions to be filled:
Vice President
Monica Kaili has agreed to stay on as Secretary and Monica Fairbanks has agreed to stay on as Tournament Chairperson.
3-2020 Budget: There will be a meeting with SNGA to work on the Budget within the next couple of months.
4-The Birthday Project: Ann Sunstrum has undertaken a project to get a better idea of the demographics of Women’s golf here in Southern Nevada. The graph she prepared shows that a majority of the women golfers are over the age of 50 and in order to get the best benefits for us, it is best to know your audience. She has given each association an envelope with the names of those that she needs their birthdays for as well as getting their emails too. Understandably, you may get some push back on the reason for requesting this for possible identity security breaches but if you explain that this will only be used for this study then it may be better received. They can also call the SNGA office at 702 458-4652 to give the information themselves. Essentially, we want to be able to contact them on a one to one basis to communicate about upcoming events and their eligibility to play in them.
Next Meeting
November 18th at The Las Vegas National
The meeting adjourned at 9: am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved Sept. 12, 2019
June 17. 2019
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club on June 17, 2019. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order promptly at 8:30 a.m. All Associations were represented by attendance or by proxy with the exception of The Las Vegas Country Club, Southshore and Canyon Gate as well as the Parliamentarian Dollie McPartlin.
A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held April 1, 2019 was made by Ronda Henderson and seconded by Deb Koch. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer reports from April and May were sent out in a previous email from Secretary Monica Kaili and were read by Jackie Pierson.
Tournament Chair -Monica Fairbanks reported on the winners of the So. Nevada Amateur and the So. Nevada Senior Amateur as shown below:
So. NV Amateur Winners:
Overall Gross Annick Hackiewicz 140
Overall Net Rusty Beckel 133
1st Kim Braaten 144 Fay Geddes 134
2nd Regina Quintero 145 Gabriele Buonacorsi 136
3rd Ronda Henderson 148 Monica Fairbanks 137
4th Christina Brandt 151 Linda Prujan 138
5th Carrie Langevin 156 Sherry Mesecher 140
6th Renee Rocco 158 Ruby Biehl 140
7th Jackie Jordan 160 Margie Cashwell 142
So. NV Senior Amateur Winners:
Overall Gross Regina Quintero 145
Overall Net Rusty Beckel 133
50-59 1st Ronda Henderson 148 Carrie Langevin 142
2nd Jackie Jordan 160 Margie Cashwell 142
60-69 1st Gabriele Buonarcorsi 160 Monica Fairbanks 137
2nd Sherry Jackson 162 Marcia Gallagher 143
3rd Karen Herness 162 Sandy Jenkins 145
4th Masako Brown 167 Danielle Kaylor 145
70-79 1st Ruby Biehl 176 Fay Geddes 134
2nd Sandy Singer 181 Linda Prujan 138
Congratulations to all who won and a special thanks to those who participated!
Sherry wanted to also thank the delegates and memberships in relaying the information regarding the combination of the So. NV Am with the So. NV Senior Am. The question arose of whether or not to combine these events again or do we want to have two separate events? The drawback to combining them is the same people win both events. The results are not yet on the website due to data entry complications with Golf Genius but are forthcoming.
Silver Cup-Karen Herness
The Qualifiers:
Rusty Beckel Ruby Biehl Christina Brandt Gabrielle Buonacorsi
Margie Cashwell Monica Fairbanks Marcia Gallagher Fay Geddes
Ilana Hardy Ronda Henderson Karen Herness Sherry Jackson
Sandy Jenkins Jackie Jordan Monica Kaili (alt) Danielle Kaylor (alt)
Carrie Langevin Sherry Mescher Theresa Prospero Linda Prujan
Regina Quintero Theresa Summers (alt)
Karen reported that there are several new players to the team and has a practice schedule with some confirmed and tentative dates every couple of weeks. They are mostly on the weekends to accommodate those that still work.
Furthermore, her and Rusty are trying to diversify and play different courses that are comparable to Genoa Lakes. If you have a venue that you think would like to host a practice then please email Karen at [email protected]. Sherry suggested that as delegates you should recognize those members of your individual associations on making the team and explaining what it’s all about. Perhaps it would generate more interest.
Upcoming Events
State Events:
NV State Am-July 15-16 @ Toiyobe (aka Lightning W or Thunder Canyon)-in order to sign up for this or any Northern Nevada event you must create a profile on No dues are charged to set up this profile.
Quad-August 5-6 @ Red Hawk (Hills and Lakes)-Quad in 2020 will be in March in the South.
State Sr. Am Nov 5-6 @ Highland Falls-We do not want a repeat of having to cancel the event due to non-participation as with the So. NV Senior Am so please get this information out to your membership and especially mention that this event is flighted by age.
Silver Cup-October 13-15 @ Genoa Lakes
Social Event:
There is still on more Social Event at the Red Rock Country Club on July 29. It was mentioned that there were several complaints at the last event held at the Anthem Country Club. Several of the groups came in late and were not able to have lunch and the prizes were already being awarded. However, Ann Sunstrum was able to contact them and issued gift cards to Christy Fleuret, Janet Trimmer, Laura Silver to Chili’s in a show of good faith.
Mid-Am Qualifier:
This event was mentioned because it is also being held at the Red Rock CC on August 5, 2019. You can access the information on the site. Go to the Tournaments tab, then the SNGA Tournaments and Events tab then lastly to the 219 USGA Qualifiers. The more players that participate from Southern Nevada the more spots become available for the actual event.
Calendar Change:
Red Rock CC Member Guest dates have changed to October 17-18 from October 18-19. I have sent out the revision in an email and it is highlighted in orange.
Course Rating-Jan Hansen
June 17, 2019
Since our last meeting, the rating team has completed a rating of TPC Las Vegas. We rated all tees for men and three tees for women and have established a Blue/White Blended Tee for men and women and a White/Red Blended Tee for women. We will be finalizing the rating data later this week, but I do have the yardages for each tee as follows: TPC Gold Tee 7016 yards
Blue Tee 6699 yards
Blue/White Combo 6221 yards
White Tee 5867 yards
White/Red Combo 5457 yards
Red Tee 4869 yards
We are in the process of scheduling ratings for Paiute Sun and Snow and Mohave in Laughlin. I visited Anthem Country Club to evaluate a few changes that were made to a couple of holes. These changes have not impacted their current ratings. They are considering establishing a new forward tee which we will rate when completed. Siena has asked us to review some of the changes they have made to the course which we will schedule soon.
All ratings have been trending up due to maturity of golf courses. The Rules changes have also impacted ratings. Southshore requested a new rating but the course is too new.
Team Play-Jackie Pierson
The playoffs went as follows:
Champions Runner-Up
Overall Boulder City Chimera
Gross Business Women Oasis
Net Los Prados Sun City Summerlin
The Team Play party is scheduled for June 24, 2019 at Bali Hai where the Trophies will be presented. The tee time is a 7:30 shotgun at a price of $85. As of today there are only 72 players and the deadline was June 9th to sign up, pay or to be reimbursed. There will be no reimbursements as of today but you are welcome to find a replacement who only needs to be a member of WSNGA. Anyone in your association qualifies.
Discussion regarding lack of participation ensued and several reasons from heat, price, format and not being able to play with members of your own team were given. It was suggested that each Team Captain poll their team to ask their reasons for not participating. It was also suggested that the event can be just a fun/social event. Lastly, although the 2020 Team Play Calendar has been set the idea of starting the 2021 Season in January was suggested.
Old Business:
Sherry mentioned that although Utah wanted to organize an event with us this past Spring it was agreed that it was too soon to be able to organize an event with such short notice. Furthermore, do we actually want to have another tournament that may take away participation from our already busy Spring/Fall schedules? There are so many Member/Guests in the Spring and Fall that may also be taking away from the State and Southern Nevada events. It also seems that the demographic is turning to more social and fun events due to aging issues. It was agreed upon that we need better visibility and sustainability from a younger age group to keep the WSNGA a viable entity. Ann Sunstrum mentioned having one or two events on the weekends to attract a younger age set and to survey all 2200 Female SNGA members to find out why they don’t play. She also suggested forming a committee to put a good marketing plan in place. Perhaps a commercial that runs on the Golf Channel .
SNGA Liason-Deb Koch
News from SNGA
Donations to sponsor high school junior golfers for SNJGA memberships –
The amount of funds received has sponsored 120 junior golfers for memberships. The SNJGA Membership provides golf instruction for juniors, the Youth On Course program that allows juniors to play golf for $5 or less, and junior competitions year round.
Another opportunity to support our Junior Golf in Southern Nevada financially is the March to 100.
The Golf Marathon is one of Southern Nevada Junior Golf’s major fundraisers. It is held on July 1st at TPC Summerlin. You may donate to the SNGA team (look for Ann Sunstrum or Renee Rocco) or form a team of your own. For more on this go to:
Support Junior golf with a little donation of your time.
Volunteers are needed to work the SNGA sectional qualifying for the U.S. Junior and the U.S. Girls’ Junior Amateur Championships on Tuesday June 25th & Wednesday June 26th. The qualifiers will be held at Reflection Bay Golf Club at Lake Las Vegas. Looking for volunteers who would be willing to assist with pace of play and live scoring, shuttling players from one hole to another, and stocking water coolers.
Each shift is 3-5 hours. After you receive a $20 gift card for the PGA Tour Superstore and a free lunch.
Some fun for you and a donation to the Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame.
Play Primm Valley Golf Club Lakes Course, Sunday June 23rd, 8:00 a.m. shotgun for $40.
100 percent of the cost of $40 per person is donated by Elite Golf Management to the Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame. The Las Vegas Hall of Fame is a proud supporter of Junior Golf Programs in Southern Nevada.
The Top Golf event has been scheduled for Sept. 16th. More information to come.
REGISTER AT:, Hover on ABOUT on the navigation bar, click on SHOP
To register or donate to all of the above in addition to going to
On your bi-weekly e-revision (handicap update) click on the appropriate blocks listed before you get down to your handicap update. All events are listed here including entries for the Southern/State tournaments, SNGA fun social, request for volunteers, fund raising .
New Business:
1-Dates for Silver Cup-Unless we want to change the Standing Rules which state that Silver Cup will be held in the North in September and the South in October we cannot change when we want to hold the event. However, why is the North hosting in October in 2019?
2-Fund Raisers to help subsidize attaining better courses for Silver Cup. Ann mentioned that an online auction for rounds of golf could be done through SNGA. The software is already set up for it.
Next Meeting
Sept 9, 2019 at The Las Vegas National
The meeting adjourned at 9:43 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
April 1, 2019
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club on April 1, 2019. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order promptly at 8:30 a.m. All Associations were represented by attendance or by proxy with the exception of the Parliamentarian Dollie McPartlin.
A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held January 21, 2019 was made by Faye Geddes and seconded by Ronda Henderson. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer reports from January and February were sent out in a previous email from Secretary Monica Kaili and were read by Jackie Pierson.
Tournament Chair -Monica Fairbanks reported on upcoming Social Events and Amateur Tournaments.
Social Events:
*April 15 at Anthem Country Club
**June 3 at Dragon Ridge Country Club-Time is TBD but will be a morning shotgun
*July 29 @ Red Rock Country Club-Discussed at a previous meeting
State Events:
*Partners-April 28-19 @ Mountain Falls-Registration is still open for another 2 weeks and if the tournament fills up we will have the entire course to ourselves.
*So. NV Sr. Am-May 21-22 @ The Las Vegas National-Flighted by Age
*So. NV. Am /Silver Cup Qualifier-June 11-12 @ Boulder Creek (Coyote Run/Eldorado)
**NV St. Am-July 15-16 @ Toiyobe (aka Lightning W or Thunder Canyon)-
**Quad-August 5-6 @ Red Hawk (both courses)
**NV. St. Sr. Am Nov 5-6 @ Highland Falls-Flighted by age
Silver Cup-October 13-15 @ Genoa Lakes-must qualify for this event
*Entry forms available on the website
** Entry forms are not yet available on the website. Please continue to check.
Nicole Dutt was in attendance to represent Girl’s Junior Golf. Last year a Golf Marathon was conducted to raise money but this year a fundraiser at Top Golf called “Rise to the Top” to benefit girls junior golf travel teams as well as high school girls golf is being organized.
How it Works: WSNGA members will compete to find out which member club is able to raise the most money for the girls. Any WSNGA member that wants to play needs to raise a minimum of $400 in pledges. The event will include complimentary golf, food, beverages, prizes and lots of fun!
Individual Prizes: Women will compete for individual and team prizes. The more you raise in donations the more you earn in prizes! The individual that raises the most in donations will receive a Grand Prize of a golf getaway package. There are also tiered prizes to compete for and payable in gift cards which may be donated back to the girls.
Member Team Prizes: The Club that raises the most donations will receive two cases of wine for a team celebration and a framed SNJGA flag.
There are 3 ways to Enter:
- Sign up Online at www.SouthernNevadaJuniorGolf.comclick on ” Rise to the Top”. Fill out the form and you will receive your own web address to start fundraising
- Send a letter with your name, email address, phone number and your member club to 8010 W. Sahara Ave. Ste 160 LV, NV 89117. You will receive an email with your web address to start fundraising.
- Contact Nicole Dutt-Roberts, SNJGA Fundraising Coordinator at [email protected]
The tentative date is the third week in September and is a good time to get some practice or play in since most of the courses are in over seed and closed during this time. Also, the girls we fund will be there to cheer us on!
Also, scores will be adjusted for unusual weather conditions and should be posted before midnight. This is something we should start doing now even though it is not effective until 2020. Individual Tournament Chairpersons will choose which revision date to use for your play days. Additional discussion of using 3/6/12 month lows for tournaments as well as being sure that your Handicap Chairperson is posting scores correctly ensued. Your HC chair should be posting scores using ESC for incomplete cards, i.e. the player has played at least 13 holes.
JR GOLF (15-18 yr)
Fund raising with yard sale on April 13th at Wildhorse. Golf marathon this year at Top Golf date TBD, probably sometime in September.
There are 100+ high school golfers who are not members of the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association. A SNJGA Membership Includes Access for Junior Golfers to Play 20+ Area Courses for $5 or Less through Youth on Course All Year Long! Sponsor a High School Golfer For $30 or an
entire high school team for $250! Encourage your club/association members to sponsor an individual or entire high school team.
Team Play-Jackie Pierson
We have completed 4 competition matches to date: TPC Summerlin, Chimera, Las Vegas Golf Club (Muni) and the Red Rock CC.
The results after the first 4 are:
Blue Division:
Business Women 1st Gross
Sun City Summerlin 1st Overall’
Chimera 1st Net
Red Division:
Boulder City 1st Overall
Los Prados 1st Net
Oasis 1st Gross
We have 3 more to complete: Canyon Gate, Sun City Summerlin @ Palm Valley, and Boulder City Golf Club. Canyon Gate’s competition tee time has CHANGED TO 8 AM.
The Play-Offs will be at The Las Vegas National on June 10th. We have a 7:30 am shotgun and the price is $41/player.
The Team Play Awards Luncheon and Party willbe held at Bali Hai Golf Club on Monday June 24th. It is a 7:30 am Shotgun with room for 120-128 players with a price of $100/player. As in past years, please send Jackie all names that may be interested in case some teams don’t send their allotted number.
Rules- Sue May
Sue stated that a Rules Seminar is scheduled on April 24th at Siena at 5:30 pm.
Old Business:
The new website is up and running so please access and visit regularly for all updates and encourage your members to do the same. It is very easy to access and to navigate and we owe a Special thanks to Renee Rocco who was instrumental in putting this website together and making it so easy to navigate.
On the Home page you will see the “Womens” tab with a drop down menu which consists of the following:
- About WSNGA
- Play Golf-This is the tab used to learn about tournaments and to get entry forms
- Member Club Team Play-you can access Team Play match results
- Club Associates-Lists all Women’s Associations for those interested in joining an association
- News
If you have an event that you would like posted on the website then please send to the WSNGA Vice President, Karen Herness. She will filter through them and will then send to Renee Rocco for posting. Also remember that the events that should be posted are those that any woman can play in. For example, your Invitationals or Socials. Member/Guests and Club Championships do not apply.
State Association-Ronda Henderson
Ronda reported that as of today, the only representatives for the State Association are the three from Southern Nevada-Ronda Henderson, Gabriele Buonacorsi and Sherry Jackson. The same concerns with the North include;
- No funds from the North into the State Association-however, it was mentioned by Ann that it was proposed that the SNGA give 20 cents per female golfer to the State Association.
- The Northern women belong to the Northern Men’s association and it was suggested that the South do the same. Our men did not agree.
- Since the ladies from the North are not a part of the State Association they are not entitled to any input on how State events are conducted. However, the South had given them an opportunity with Quad being held in August. At first, there was a misunderstanding of the Standing Rule that states this tournament will play at least 5400 yards. After further discussion the North acquiesced.
Utah Golf Association-
Sherry reported that although we would like to have a combined event it was not possible in 2019. There were too many time constraints and conflicts to ensure a successful event. We are rescheduling for 2020.
New Business:
Discussion on a Silver Cup type of event with another association was tabled.
Next Meeting
June 17 at Las Vegas National
The meeting adjourned at 9:38 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
Jan. 21, 2019
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club on Jan 21. 2019. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order promptly at 8:30 a.m. All Delegates were present with the exception of the Vice President Karen Herness and the Parliamentarian Dollie McPartlin.
A motion to approve the minutes from the Dec. 10th meeting was made by Fay Geddes and seconded by Jan Hansen. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer reports from December were sent out in a previous email from Secretary Monica Kaili and were read by Jackie Pierson. There was mention that an Audit will need to be conducted.
Tournament Chair -Monica Fairbanks reported on upcoming Social Events and Amateur Tournaments.
Social Events-
April 15 at Anthem Country Club: Entry is now available and closes on April 10th with a cost of $95
July 29 at Red Rock Country Club: Entry is not yet available. Cost is $90
Tentative Event at Dragon Ridge- Dates are now being negotiated so as to not conflict
with other events.
Sherry questioned the delegates as to the reason why participation by the women is at an all time low. Discussion ensued with a majority of the delegates stating that it is the cost. The events are being held at Country Clubs and are priced higher but the value is not there for them. In the past the cost was the normal green fee plus SNGA adding fees to cover some of their expenses for post round appetizers and other expenses. Also, a big deterrent was the quality of lunch afterwards and the ability to log in to sign up.
On a side note, Sherry met with Ann after the meeting and was informed that SNGA charges only green fees for the fun days with an additional $5 if appetizers are going to be available after the round. Sherry will work with SNGA to somehow address the log in/sign up issues.
So. NV Amateur/Silver Cup Qualifier: Boulder Creek- June 11-12 7:30 am Shotgun
So. NV Sr. AM: The Las Vegas National -May 21-22 7 am Shotgun
State Partners: Mountain Falls -April 28-29 $153
Quad: Tentative Dates are August 18-19 and tentative site is Grizzly. Dates and site are tentative due to the courses being closed for inaccessibility to their Tournament Director.
State Am: Dates and venue TBA. Run in conjunction with the Men and Women.
Also mentioned by Monica Kaili was the 2019 WSNGA Calendar. Please let her know if there are any events that need to be added to the calendar. She will do so and send out to delegates with the updated dates.
Course Rating-Jan Hansen
January 21, 2019
Since our last meeting the Course Rating Teams has completed entering the data for the rating of Angel Park Palm. We rated three tees at Angel Park. The data has also been entered for Coyote Willows at Mesquite. Although Coyote Willows is a 9 hole course, it is typically played twice for 18 hole score and rating results reflect that data. SouthShore also created a new Red Tee on Hole #15 which necessitated a re-rate of that hole and an adjustment of the Gold Tee and combo tees information. Here are those results:
Angel Park Palm
Blue 5,741 yards N/A 72.2/131
White 5,378 yards N/A 70.0/126
Red 4,488 yards 65.6/105 64.9/109
W/R Combo 5049 yards N/A 68.1/120
Coyote Willows
White 2589/5178 yards N/A 70.4/117
Gold 2410/4820 yards N/A 68.2/123
Red 2414/4282 yards N/A 65.0/112
Gold 5613 yards 73.1/136 73.0/135
Red 4674 yards 68.5/120 68.1/118
G/R Combo 5114 yards 70.4/124 70.3/123
The courses on our 2019 agenda needing to be rated are:
TPC Las Vegas
Mojave in Laughlin
Paiute Snow
Paiute Sun
Due to Rules Change-Revere is playing their course differently but does not warrant a new rating. How to play out of “penalty areas” will need to be decided by each association as a local rule. The rating program inputs new rule changes and will provide a new rating. Siena will warrant a new rating due to removal of bunkers and changes in arroyos.
Rules- Sue May
Sue stated that there will be a second printing of the 2019 Picture Rules booklet due to high demand. She would like a count of how many your club along with your Men’s club would like at a cost of $5 per book. SNGA needs to recoup some of the printing costs. Please contact her directly at [email protected].
The new OB rule will not be adhered to for WSNGA/SNGA/Team Play events. We will continue to play the Stroke and Distance rule.
Rules Seminars: If your club has not yet had a Seminar and would like one then please contact her directly and she will try to schedule one for you.
Team Play-Jackie Pierson
Meeting to follow immediately following this meeting.
Old Business:
There is a meeting scheduled today with our State Delegates and 3 from the North to discuss our State Tournaments.
New Business:
The New Website-Sherry stated that a website is never finished and is only as good as the information that is inputted. She is working with Ann Sunstrum on a rough draft but in the meantime, it may be possible to log in to the new site but then directed to our old site through tabs on the new site. You will still be able to retrieve all the information that is currently on the website. Launch date is in February of 2019 but please continue to contact the WSNGA board for information such as your Invitationals that you would like added. Our Vice President Karen Herness is ultimately in charge of what goes on the site.
Sherry also stated that we would like our state tournaments to be self-funded. We would not have to charge more in tournament fees for things like Directors and Officers Insurance as well as our business license but instead these costs could be funded by SNGA. We need approximately $1000.00 to cover.
Lastly, it was mentioned that the Utah Ladies Association would like to hold a combined tournament with us. It was recommended that it be a Partner or Quad type of event. The sites would most likely be in Mesquite or St. George with dates to follow.
2019 Booklets-Monica Kaili
Monica stated that the Booklets were finished and apologized if there were any mistakes. Please contact her and she will change and redistribute to the delegates. Extra copies were printed so if you asked for an electronic copy you could also receive a hard copy.
Next Meeting
April 1, 2019 at Las Vegas National
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
Dec. 10, 2018
Before the meeting was called to order Sherry Jackson recognized Rusty Beckel and Karen Herness, our 2018 Silver Cup Captains. They first gave a thank you to WSNGA for helping fund the Silver Cup. The captains expressed how proud they were of the effort put in by the players but they also wanted to express how grateful they were to all those who volunteered not only during the event but during the entire Summer when we needed ladies to help us practice. Kudos to Justin Marsh who gave a bunker clinic and to the on course photographers Faye Geddes and Terry Howe. However, it really couldn’t have been run more smoothly if it wasn’t for the expertise and guidance given by on course captain Sherry Jackson.
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas Country Club on Dec. 10. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order after the Silver Cup trophy presentation at 8:40 a.m. All Delegates were present with the exception of the Communications Chair Ann Sunstrum and the Parliamentarian Dollie McPartlin.
A motion to approve the minutes from the Sept. 10th meeting was made by Tammy Gephardt and seconded by Sue May. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer reports from October and November were read by Jackie Pierson and were also sent out in a previous email from Secretary Monica Kaili.
Tournament Chair -Monica Fairbanks reported on the winners of our most recent Amateur as well as upcoming events.
State Sr. Am
Overall Gross Regina Quintero
Silver Net Gabriele Buonacorsi
The Tournament of Champions will be held on January 29, 2019 at Reflection Bay. Please have your Pro send the names of your champions to Tim Brand at SNGA. His email is [email protected]. Those eligible to participate include your Overall Gross/Net winners (Men and Women) as well as your Senior Champions if you happen to have that division.
Fun Day/Social Events-We will be moving away from calling these events Fun Days but rather they will be referred to as Social Events. There are already 3 scheduled:
- January 16 @ Bali Hai
- April 15 @ Anthem Country Club
- July 29 @ Red Rock Country Club
You may sign up for these events on the SNGA website using Golf Genius. After further discussion on the difficulty of using/accessing Golf Genius, Sherry Jackson will investigate into the problem. In the meantime, if you can sign up for an event and you wish to choose your playing partners you may contact Tim Brand at SNGA and he will set that up for you.
Future WSNGA/NSWGA Tournaments
Sherry Jackson reported that in conjunction with several of the North ladies and NOT the officers of the Northern Nevada Golf Association or the Nevada State Golf Association, the Quad, State Partners and Silver Cup will continue on as it has in the past. Mention was made that originally the North may have only wanted to have the Silver Cup every other year due to lack of funding. It was suggested that years when they are not reimbursed for some of their expenses then Silver Cup would be held in the North. As for the Quad, it was stated that since it hasn’t been in the South for several years that we would like it held in the South in 2019. Hence, State Partners would be in the North. Nothing has been decided as of the date of this meeting but our Future Site representative will keep us informed.
Course Rating- Jan Hansen
December 10, 2018
Since our last meeting the Course Rating Teams has completed the ratings of Las Vegas Golf Club (Muni) and Angel Park Palm. We rated two tees for women at Muni and three tees at Angel Park. Here are the results for Muni. We just completed Angel Park last week and have not finalized the ratings. This will be done in the next couple of weeks. However, the updated yardages are shown below.
Las Vegas Golf Club
Black 5917 yards 74.3/119 73.4/126
Silver 5249 yards 69.6/115 69.6/120
Angel Park Palm
Blue 5,741 yards
White 5,378 yards
Red 4,488 yards
The course has also asked for a combo tee rating for men and women which will be around 5,100 yards and will be a combination of White and Red Tees.
Members of the rating team also rated Coyote Willows, a 9 hole course in Mesquite and they are still working on those results.
The remaining course on our 2018 agenda needing to be rated is Wildhorse. Because of the upcoming holidays, this rating will be moved to early 2019.
Course rating procedures will be impacted by the Rule changes for 2019. USGA has planned some webinars next week which I will participate in to learn the impact rules modernization will have on course rating. Also, we will be sending four people to the Calibration Seminar in California on March 17 and 18.
Team Play-Jackie Pierson
Jackie stated that dues are now due and that she still needed Captain/Co-Captain information from a couple of clubs. She also informed us that the Las Vegas Country Club will not have a team for the 2019 season so there will be 7 teams in one group and 6 teams in the other. There will be Byes in each division with your Bye on the date the event is on your Home Course. This will enable you to be free to organize and help marshal.
The dates are as follows:
TPC Summerlin Feb 4, 2019 9 AM Shotgun $68
Chimera Feb 18, 2019 8 AM Shotgun $63
Muni March 4, 2019 7:45 AM Shotgun $42
Red Rock- Mountain Course March 25, 2019 8:30 AM Shotgun $71
Canyon Gate April 8, 2019 9 AM Shotgun $68
Palm Valley April 22, 2019 8 AM Shotgun $61
Boulder City May 29, 2019 7:30 AM Shotgun $39
Playoffs June 10, 2019 TBD
Party June 24 TBD
The Captain’s meeting will immediately follow the WSNGA meeting on Jan. 21. 2019. If you cannot attend then please have either your Co-Captain or delegate attend.
Rules- Sue May
Sue reported that she has already given 12 Seminars and still has quite a few left. Her picture book that she compiled from over 100 slides provided by USGA is being well received by all and will most likely go to a second printing at a much lower cost to SNGA. Thank you to Sue with all of our greatest appreciation for taking the time out of her busy schedule.
Deb Koch-SNGA Liaison
SNGA Officers-Deb reported that a vote for new Officers of the SNGA was held with our own Sue May being elected to Vice President. This is a big step for Womankind and the WSNGA to have one of our own to represent us. The other officers include:
Kenny Ebalo President
Tom Khamis Secretary
Matt Johnson Treasurer
GHIN Changes for 2019-A new Handicap and Administrative Software is being introduced. The USGA conversion will take place in January but will not be in effect for users until March at the earliest and May at the latest. You will need to install a new application (app) for self posting purposes but during initial setup, streaming may be down for a few days. You can still post during this time on the app you are using. The fee for GHIN will remain the same at $30.
Handicap Rosters-Going forward your HC rosters will be combined with both Men and Women. Please make sure when your HC chairperson posts that it is critical that the gender is correct. Also, individuals will need to have their own unique email address and can no longer share an email address. It seems USGA/GHIN is using your email address as an identifier. Individuals also may not use the golf course address as their own physical address if they want to continue receiving mail such as Golf Week and Golf Digest. Lastly, in regards to the HC rosters, you have until January 31, 2019 to “clean” them up. That is, remove member names who have not rejoined for the year. You do not want to be charged for them.
Green Saver-Individuals may get discounts on partner courses (go to to see all the options). There is also Travel Infinity through SNGA that you can use for travel discounts. You can log on using your email address as your user name and the last 4 digits of your GHIN as your password.
Calendar-Monica Kaili
Monica mentioned that she has started the calendar and only has a few dates including Team Play and some Invitationals. She will add to the calendar and send when there are additions to keep everyone posted on a regular basis. Dates that will go on the calendar include any event that someone outside your member club can participate in. For example, a member/guest would apply but not a member/member or your Club Championships. Please send her any information you have now or as soon as you get it. We are trying to avoid conflicts with State events and other Club Invitationals so participation can be maximized.
Association Officers-Monica Kaili
It is that time of year again when the booklet needs to be compiled with the names of your Association Officers. She would like to have the booklet completed and ready for distribution by the January 21 meeting so please get that information to her as soon as possible.
New Business-WSNGA Officers
It was brought to our attention that a nominating committee to install the 2019 WSNGA officers was never appointed. Jan Hansen suggested that the existing board remain and serve for 2019.
Next Meeting
Proposed for January 21, 2019
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
SEPTEMBER 10, 2018
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas Country Club on Sept 10. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order promptly at 8:30 a.m. All Delegates were present with the exception of representatives from The Club at Sunrise and the Women’s Golf Assoc. @ Paiute. However, with the confusion with the meeting date we are waiving the absentee requirements. State Delegates Beth Greene and Ronda Henderson as well as Parliamentarian Dolli McPartlin, Treasurer Jackie Pierson and Course Rating Coordinator Jan Hansen were also absent.
A motion to approve the minutes from the June 4th meeting was made by Sherry Jackson and seconded by Sue May. All those in attendance approved.
In the absence of the Treasurer Jackie Pierson the reports for May and June were not read but they were made available to all delegates via email. The reports for July and August are forthcoming and will be sent out once they are made available.
Tournament Chair -Monica Fairbanks reported some of the winners of recent tournaments and upcoming tournaments.
State Am
- Championship Flight – Veronica Joels
- Silver State Flight – My Paulson
State Sr Am will be held October 16-17 at the Anthem Country Club with applications online at The yardage is playing at 5400 yards. There are still several openings available with time to enter. Discussion pertaining to how courses were picked for our amateur events ensued as well as why there isn’t more participation. President Sherry Jackson relating that time of year, course conditions and who our future site representative is has a lot to do with those decisions. The future site representative has usually built a working relationship with their course management to attain the site. It was presented to the delegates to think about their courses as being a future site.
Silver Cup is being held November 12-14 at Chimera
Silver Cup Captain Karen Herness reported and named this year’s team.
Beckel, Rusty(Co-Capt) Biehl, Ruby Booth, Diane Soscia, Christine
Brandt, Christina Brooks, Brittney Brown, Masako Whatley, Brittany
Buonocorsi, Gabrielle Cashwell, Margaret Dunn, Nancy
Fairbanks, Monica Henderson, Ronda Jackson, Sherry
Kaili, Monica Love, Debbie Nolan, Nicole
Pederson, Shana Shroeder, Karen Smith, Laura
As you can see there is a wide range of ages and experience. Standing Rules state that the team is picked by qualifiers from the Southern NV Amateur and we take 9 gross/9 net and 2 Captain’s Picks that come from the alternate list of those who participated in the qualifier. So far there have been 4 practices throughout the Summer with a lot of participation. Sue May is our on-course Captain and needs volunteers for this event. Please contact Karen, Rusty or Sue for more information. Sherry also mentioned that you should give recognition to your members who have made the team. It is an honor to represent the South.
Fun Days-Two events were played this past Summer. One at Southshore although participation was low probably due to the Team Play Party being played the week prior and the other at the Las Vegas Country Club. Both were combined with the men and well received by all. The next Fun Day is at Reflection Bay on October 18. It will be 9 holes with dinner to follow. They are also working on having one at Bali Hai and Southern Highlands. To sign up for the Fun Days you must create your own profile on It can be a bit tricky but with a little effort you can navigate through the site. Sherry suggested that the delegates should attempt to sign up first and if successful then you can assist your members. However, if you find that it is still difficult then someone from SNGA or Sherry herself will be happy to come to your club to assist. We do not want members inability to sign up becoming a detriment to playing in these great events.
Team Play-Dee Molina
Before reading her report, she wanted to thank Jackie Pierson and Jan Hansen for always being available when she had questions.
The Winners
Overall Winners Boulder City Runner-Up Chimera
Gross Winner Business Women Runner-Up Oasis
Net Winners Canyon Gate Runner-Up Wildhorse
Since Dee has resigned as Co-Team Coordinator she reported that Linda Modlinski from Oasis will make a great replacement for her. Linda seemed to have all of the qualifications and is extremely organized. Please let Dee Trimble know if there are any changes to your team participation. For example, if your association may be leaving Team altogether, adding a team or combining with another association. Very importantly your $25 dues for 2019 Team are due at the next meeting.
Rules- Sue May
Sue reported that she has 26 seminars already scheduled with all types of groups and most of the ladies’ associations are already on her calendar. She would like you to email her at [email protected] one week before your scheduled date to confirm. The seminar will last approximately 2 hours and will go over the basics of the new rules.
Old Business
The subject of rebates for multi-club memberships was raised. In order for you to get your rebate, your club has to have paid the dues to SNGA. You can go to to apply for your rebate.
New Business
The Southern Nevada Amateur for 2019 will not be combined with the men. There were just too many people on the course making it a long round and possibly alternating start times e.g. morning vs. afternoon tee times would not be plausible due to the time of year the tournament is held.
State Association
The Nevada State Golf Association (NSGA) will become a combination of both men and women beginning in 2019. In the past they were basically responsible for all men’s state events for SNGA and NNGA.
There were 3 proposals brought to our attention by the Northern Nevada Golf Association.
- Do we want Silver Cup to be held every other year? The question was raised due to the state not wanting to fund it every year.
- Do we want to combine the State Am with the State Sr. Am? In years past they were combined but split off because of different yardage choices. However, since there are ladies who could possibly win both do we want to make them make a choice. Normally the yardage for the State Am is played around 5800 yards and the Sr. Am at around 5400-5600. Dates will also determine who can play. If played during the fall or spring it takes collegiate and high school competitors out of the mix.
- Rotating Events between North and South. In recent years the Quad has remained in the North and State Partners has remained in the South. Do we want to rotate them North to South?
Please bring these proposals to your members who play in these events. All of your opinions matter as it will affect the way Sherry votes. There will be a vote on this at our next meeting so be sure that if you cannot attend, send your proxy in an email.
2019 Calendar-Please email Monica Kaili with your 2019 Events as soon as you have them. We do not want to step on anyone’s tournaments and will work around your schedules.
Association Officers-It is time to organize the 2019 Delegate Booklet so please send your Officer information to Monica Kaili as soon as they are available.
SNGA Tournament of Champions-Ann Sunstrum reported that this tournament is held every year around January. All divisions are included: Club champions, Net champions, Senior champions, etc. It will be flighted so have your Pro or Director of golf send information to SNGA
Next Meeting
Proposed for December 10, 2018
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
JUNE 4, 2018
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas Country Club on June 4. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order promptly at 8:30 a.m. All Delegates were present with the exception of State Delegates Beth Greene and Ronda Henderson as well as Parliamentarian Dolli McPartlin.
A motion to approve the minutes from the March 12 meeting was made by Sherry Jackson and seconded by Sue May. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer’s Report for April was read by Jackie Pierson. As soon as May’s report is completed it will be dispersed through email.
A meeting was held in the spring with SNGA to determine a budget for WSNGA for 2018. Due to the USGA’s initiative to reduce golf associations, WSNGA will be working under SNGA. SNGA will be taking over some of the costs WSNGA has paid in the past such as for rules and course ratings. SNGA will also provide insurance, office supplies, etc. In the past, WSNGA has received a significant portion of the handicap fees paid by women to SNGA. That portion has been reduced to $6,000 per year by SNGA due to the reduction in costs for WSNGA. The 2018 Proposed Budget was read by Jackie Pierson. After no further discussion a motion was made by Sue May to approve with a second by Jan Hansen. All those in attendance approved the 2018 Budget.
Subsequent to the Budget approval, Sheryl Mayes posed the question of whether the dues will be increasing to cover Handicap fees. Ann Sunstrum stated that they are currently $30/person and there has been no discussion at SNGA to raise them. Jan Hansen posed the question of the “more than 1 membership rebate”. Ann Sunstrum instructed us to go to, hover over the Join tab then use the drop down menu to find the Rebate tab. You can fill out the form and in the Notes Section you can mention which clubs to which you belong. There is a $20 rebate for each additional membership but they will double check that you are actually a member of multiple associations.
Tournament Chair- Monica Fairbanks, although present was unable to speak so President Sherry Jackson read her report. The Fun Day at Mountain Falls and the first combined Fun Day with the men at Dragon Ridge were mentioned as a great success.
The Southern NV Sr. Am was held at Chimera with approximately 50 players with Regina Quintero as the overall gross winner and Susan Daum as the overall net winner. The article happened to be in the Review Journal this past week.
The So. NV Am and Silver Cup Qualifier: June 23-24 @ Legacy Golf Club. **Note that the start time has changed to a 7:30 shotgun and not the 9:00 am tee time as originally printed on the entry form.
Silver Cup Captain Karen Herness reported that there are only 40 players signed up and would really like at least another 10 more to get the depth we need to bring the Cup home to So. NV. Just to get an idea why participation is so low, she would like you to please ask your ladies why they have chosen not to participate. Could it be the date, time, course, commitment? It should be stated that the course is in great shape, the tee time changed to earlier so it won’t be as hot and per Karen Herness you will not have to be here for the 5 1/2 months to practice. She and Rusty understand that some ladies leave the area for the summer but wherever you are you can still practice on your own. There will not be any mandatory practices until September and partners will not be assigned until much closer to the event. She mentioned that Chimera’s ladies’ day is on Thursday with a 7:30 shotgun and perhaps those that qualify could practice on those days.
NV State Am: July 17-18 at Dragon Ridge with a new format. There will be the Championship Division playing at approximately 5800 yards and the Silver State Division playing at approximately 5350 yards. The Champion will come from the Championship Division and will join the likes of Patty Sheehan and Brenda Knott. You must declare which division you want to participate in on the entry form. The entry form can be found at
State SR. Am: October 16-17 at Anthem Country Club
Silver Cup: November 12-14 at Chimera
Course Rating-Jan Hansen
Since our last meeting the Course Rating Teams have been very busy completing the ratings at Eagle Crest, Stallion Mountain and Revere Concord. Here are the results:
Eagle Crest
Blue 4077 yards 62.9/95 63.0/102
White 3629 yards 59.9/88 60.2/96
Red 3156 yards 57.3/84 57.4/86
Stallion Mountain
Silver 6535 yards N/A 79.0/143
White 6054 yards N/A 75.6/135
Gold 5415 yards 71.0/121 71.8/126
Revere Concord
Gold 6435 yards N/A TBD
Silver 5836 yards 74.6/129 TBD
Bronze 5063 yards 69.7/118 TBD
The remaining courses needing to be rated this year are the following: Angel Park Palm, Las Vegas Golf Club (Muni), Wildhorse
We have also received a request for a re-rate at Falcon Ridge in Mesquite for both the Men and the Women’s tees which we are evaluating. Due to heat and over seedings there will not be any additional course ratings during the Summer.
Team Play-Dee Trimble
Before reading her report she wanted to thank Dee Molina for all her help and support through the year. She really had her back!
Phase 1 – Regular Season play is complete and the Playoffs are June 11 at TPCLV 7:30 am shotgun.
Phase 2 – Teams going to the playoff
Overall: Boulder City vs. Chimera
Gross: Business Women vs.Oasis
Net: Canyon Gate vs. Wildhorse
Phase 3-Team Play Party at Southshore Monday July 9 @ 8 am. Your team must be sent to Dee Molina by June 15 and monies to Jackie Pierson by the same date.
Rules-Sue May
Before she read her report, she mentioned that her new email is [email protected]
Rules Seminars-Sue is willing to go to your clubs anytime in November or December to give a seminar on the changes that will be coming in 2019. She will usually come out and play with your group and then afterwards give the Seminar. Please email her to get your club on her calendar. If your club has less than 20 members she suggests that you combine with another club. There is also a USGA Seminar in Las Vegas Sept 15-18 and the cost is approximately $350. You can sign up at
Amateur Status:
Common sense rules that NO CASH CAN COME FROM AN ENTRY FEE.
Your Invitationals should be paid out with gift cards from anywhere you choose, whether it be your golf shop, grocery stores, Visa gift cards, etc. However, if your KP/Hole-in-One or other skill challenges are sponsored and do not come out of the entry fee, you may pay cash. Be sure that there is no ambiguity as to where that cash came from and perhaps announce how the donation was generated. As for your game of the day, buy-ins should be OPTIONAL and NOT MANDATORY. If perceived as mandatory and cash is being paid out, there is a high possibility that you are putting your members at risk of losing their amateur status. Dee Molina asked what difference it makes from a common-sense perspective between giving cash and giving a gift card. Sue indicated that we are to support the rules given to us by the USGA and are given no leeway.
New Business-
Secretary Monica Kaili asked where we could donate items to Junior Golf. Ann Sunstrum stated that donations are accepted at the SNGA office located at 8010 W.Sahara Ave. # 160. It is open M-F from 9 am – 5 pm. Their phone number is 702 430 2600.
Additional Tournaments:
Wildhorse Invitational date has changed to November 8
Rally for the Cure @ TPC Summerlin: Applications are available to be picked up and will be sent out in a separate email.
Nathan Adelson Tournament at Desert Willow: Information forthcoming
Next Meeting
**Note** Originally scheduled for Sept 24 but we were unable to reserve the room so the date has changed to Sept. 10.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 am
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
MARCH 12, 2018
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Los Vegas Country Club on March 12. In the absence of President Sherry Jacson, Vice President Karen Herness called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. Those absent included Delegates from Dragon Ridge, Red Rock, and Siena as well as State Delegate Sue May, Communications Delegate Ann Sunstrum, Parliamentarian Dollie McPartlin and Course Rating Chair Jan Hansen.
Before the minutes from the January meeting were approved we had a guest speaker from Junior Golf-Nicole Dutt. She had information on the program and its function in Southern Nevada. The letter includes a challenge between the women’s and men’s groups to see who can donate more money. A copy of the letter is available at the end of the minutes.
A motion to approve the minutes from the January meeting was made by Monica Fairbanks and seconded by Ronda Henderson. All those in attendance approved.
The Treasurer’s Report was read by Jackie Pierson and were sent out in previous emails from Secretary Monica Kaili.
Tournament Chair Monica Fairbanks reported on future events and dates for 2018.
Dragon Ridge Fun Day-April 16 Entry Forms are now available online
Southern NV Sr. Am -Chimera-May 14-15-Entry Forms are now online
SNV Am/ Qualifier Legacy-6/23-24 (in conjunction with SNGA) Entry forms are not yet available
State Sr.Am-Dragon Ridge-Dates Still pending ** S. Jackson has informed me that this has been
confirmed for July 17-18
State Sr. Am-Anthem CC Oct. 16-17
Silver Cup-Chimera Nov. 12-14
Course Rating Chair Jan Hansen was absent due to rating Eagle Crest however, Jackie Pierson was present to read her report.
March 12, 2018
Since our last meeting the Course Rating Teams have been extremely busy completing the ratings Desert Willow, Rio Secco and Revere Lexington. The team is rating Eagle Crest today and Wednesday. Here are the results:
Desert Willow
Blue 3824 yards N/A 62.1/104
White 3453 yards 58.6/90 60.0/100
Red 3062 yards 56.6/87 57.6/96
Rio Secco
White 6552 yards N/A 78.3/152
Yellow 6054 yards 76.5/138 75.6/142
Red 5226 yards 73.4/127 71.1/127
Revere Lexington
Gold 6742 yards N/A 79.0/151
Silver 5878 yards 73.5/127 74.1/146
Bronze 5208 yards 69.6/119 70.5/129
Rio Secco made some significant modifications to the course by adding several new forward (Red) tees which shortened the course by 440 yards. It also removed some bunkers and changed some greens with the goal of making the course more user friendly.
The remaining courses needing to be rated this year are the following:
Angel Park Palm
Las Vegas Golf Club (Muni)
Revere Concord
Stallion Mountain
Four women and four men from the rating team attended a Course Rating Calibration Seminar in San Mateo on March 4 and 5. This is a rating seminar for more advanced raters. I am pleased to say one of the women achieved 100% on the rating quiz and the other three of us missed only one question. We beat the pants off the men. There will be no significant changes to our rating procedures until after the proposed rule changes are finalized in 2019.
Team Play
Co-Chair Dee Trimble reported on Team Play. She made several points.
1-So far there have not been any problems or complaints with pace of play issues.
2 -Boulder City, Business Women, Oasis and Chimera are doing great in the standings.
3-All Scores to be posted-See New Business
4-Dee Molina will not continue on as coordinator in 2019 so a new coordinator will be needed Computer Skills a must.
Old Business
Jackie Pierson mentioned that a copy of a canceled check for Team Play at LVCC is needed from Sun City Summerlin.
New Business
Ronda Henderson brought to our attention that after the State Partners event Sherry Jackson had contacted the USGA regarding how to post for a Best Ball event. She was advised that those scores should NOT to be posted. Further discussion was prompted for our Team Play events on how we should proceed. The issue was taken under advisement by the coordinators but not resolved at this time. **A Correction was sent out in an email from S. Jackson regarding the proper procedure.
Secretary, Monica Kaili mentioned that she was informed by several delegates that they are not receiving her emails. She would be available after the meeting to get your correct emails to ensure that this does not continue.
**Items not discussed at the meeting but were later clarified by President Sherry Jackson
The next meeting date was set for June 4, 2018. With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting ended at 9:05 a.m.
_____________________________ _________________________________
Monica Kaili, Secretary Date Approved
The first fun day for 2018 will be at Mountain Falls March 7, 2018.
No date but the venue for the Southern Senior Am will be at either Las Vegas National or Spanish Trail.
Schedule for 2018 team play is:
Siena Feb 12
Las Vegas Country Club Feb 26
Revere March 19
Bears Best April 9
Los Prados April 23
Wildhorse May 7
Oasis May 21
Play offs at TPC LV June 11
Team play party Casada
Rebate request for multiple memberships in place on SNGA website.
If you have paid for multiple memberships for SNGA/GHIN you are eligible for $20 back for each membership after the initial one.
EXAMPLE: you have PAID for GHIN through Business Women, Muni, and Revere. You would get $40 back ($20 for the 2nd & 3rd one).
This is not automatic you must apply for it. To do so go to the SNGA web site:, click on the tab at the top “Join” click multiple memberships – complete and submit the questionnaire.
The rebate will be mailed to you.
The Jr Americas Cup was a successful event.
The cost of the event was $64,000 and SNGA/SNJGA was able to raise $62,000.
The Women’s Associations around the valley were instrumental in contributing towards this event.
The next meeting is November 13.
Submitted by:
Deb Koch, WSNGA Rep
JUNE 19, 2017
A meeting of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association (WSNGA) was held at the Las Vegas Country Club on June 19, 2017. President Sherry Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. Delegates from Oasis, Siena, Sun City Anthem/Revere, Wild Horse and Paiute were absent. State Delegate Beth Green was absent. Committee Chair Sue DeFrancesco was absent. Officer Dollie McPartlin was absent. The minutes of January 16 and April 3, 2017, were approved as written.
Treasurer Jackie Pierson gave the Treasurer’s Reports for March, April and May, 2017. March began with a balance of $33,202.62. The income came from Team Play and the Fun Day at Mountain Falls. Disbursements were $7,438.00, most of which was outlaid for Team Play and Fun Day. There was and bank balance of $38,478.62. The savings account has a Balance of $10,285.45. April began with a balance of $38,478.62. All of the income was from Team Play. The bulk of disbursements were mostly related to Team Play. April’s ending bank balance was $20,785.62 and the savings account balance was $10,285.62. May began with a bank balance of $20,785.62. Again, most of the income was from Team Plan with almost $9,000.00 coming from the Senior Amateur and Southern Nevada Amateur. Total Disbursements mostly related to Team Play and Playoffs and totaled $7,906.09. Ending bank Balance was $35,842,53. The savings account balance was $10,285.79.
Tournament Chairman Monica Fairbanks reported on the Senior Amateur. The overall gross champion was our own President Sherry Jackson and overall net was won by Monica Kailli. Complete results are on the WEB site. She announced that the Amateur/Silver Cup Qualifier would be held the following week. There are 49 people signed up—twenty-one trying to qualify. For the Fun Day at Las Vegas Country Club, there are 54 individuals signed up. She then discussed future events. There will be a possible combo with Business Women. President Jackson reported on some of the upcoming State events. The State Amateur is to be held July 23rd through 25th at Paiute. Signups are so small that the event is threatened with cancellation. She encouraged the Clubs to talk to the members and put up flyers at their specific clubs. E-mails have been sent to the people who played the previous year. She feels that the fact the State split the Senior Amateur from the State Amateur and moving it down to Las Vegas in the middle of July might not be such a great idea. She said that everyone would be notified if it were cancelled. It might possibly be combined with the seniors at Primm. It was originally only supposed to be a gross event but it has been changed to pay both gross and net. After considerable discussion on the several possible reasons for no turnout, President Jackson advised that everyone would be advised as to what happens.
Chair Jan Hansen gave the report on course ratings. The team completed the rating of Red Rock Country Club—Mountain Course, Royal Links and a temporary rating for Canyon Gate because of temporary greens.
Regular Meeting
June 19, 2017 Page 2
Red Rock Country Club—Mtn. Course
Black 6438 yards None 76.7/147
Blue 5912 yards None 73.0/137
White 5394 yards 70.8/121 70.0/130
White/Green Combo 5168 yards 69.5/120 68.7/122
Green 4898 yards 67.8/113 67.2/118
Royal Links
Gold 6311 yards None 77.0/140
Ruby 5849 yards 68.4/125 74.6/132
Emerald 5125 yards 69.8/115 70.0/124
Canyon Gate
Blue Temporary 5138 yards 68.6/118
White 4766 yards 66.6/114
Red 4093 yards 62.8/103
A course rating has been scheduled at Sunrise Vista (Nellis) for July 24th and 26th. The remain- ing courses needed to be rated are the following: Angel Park Palm; Desert Willow; Eagle Crest; Las Vegas Golf Club (Muni), Revere (Concord and Lexington); Stallion Mountain and The Summit. The schedule is very busy for 2017 and will get other requests such as Canyon Gate when all 18 greens have been re-done.
Chair Hansen also called attention to the fact that both Committee Chairs Sue May and Ann Sunstrum were featured in the latest edition of Golf and Leisure – Sue May making the cover.
Co-Chair Dee Trimble reported that team play was over for the season. She stated the year was very successful and a wonderful party was held at Cascata. She announced that Rhonda Powell would not be the Co-Chair in 2018 and expressed appreciation for all the work that she had done.
Communications Chair Ann Sunstrum reported on the Junior Girls Americas Cup. It is a prestigious event that is hosted every 18 years in the Las Vegas area. It brings 17 teams from
WSNGA minutes
June 19, 2017 Page 3 the western states, Mexico and Canada. 2017 is the 40th anniversary of the event and will be hosted by the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association at Reflection Bay Golf Club. It will be July 29th through August 3rd. Volunteers are needed in many areas such as assembling gift bags; registration; shuffling players between holes; greeting and directing players and coaches; pace of play and live scoring. She expressed appreciation to all of the clubs that have donated their time. She states that they are still having a difficult time finding housing for the girls. They are seven houses short and really need help. She distributed packets asking volunteers to sign up and list the areas in which they would be most interested.
SNGA Liaison Deb Koch announced that the Golf Genius software is on the way. There is a free version and a version that costs $2,500.00. There’s not too much difference in them. The more expensive version has a little bit more online information, browser, phone and apps.
Delegate Sue May reported on the USGA State Team Play. The dates are September 26th through 28th. They are going to disband the tournament. Delegate May did not know whether or not we wanted to pay the money to send a team this year. It will be replaced with the disability/handicapped tournament.
The next meeting date was set for September 11th, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. at the Las Vegas Country Club.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 a. m.
Patricia W. Cooper, Secretary
Date Approved___________________________________
Meeting held January 16, 2017
Fun Day will be March 22nd at Mountain Falls, Pahrump.
Tournaments for 2017 –
WSNGA tournaments:
Senior Amateur has been changed to June 5-6 (for now) at Dragon Ridge
Amateur/Silver Cup Qualifier August 7-8 at Bear’s Best
State tournaments:
* State Partners March 6-7 at Anthem CC. This entry is available and has been sent out.
Can be obtained from the NSWGA website (there is a link to this from the WSNGA website).
* State Amateur July 23-24-25 at Pauite. This years tournament will remain a gross and net event. It will be open to any female in the State of Nevada.
* State Quad August 27-28 Reno
* Silver Cup September 24-25-26 Summerset GC, Reno
* State Senior Amateur October 30-31 Primm Valley GC, Primm Ca
Course ratings:
Recently completed – Highland Falls. Three tees for women were rated. Red tees 5,057 yds 68.1/120
Las Vegas Country Club to be rated this week.
Upcoming – Summerlin (Palm Valley, Eagle Crest), Angel Park – Palm, Desert Willow, Las Vegas Golf Club, Revere, Stallion Mtn, Sunrise Vista (Nellis AFB) and Royal Links.
Royal Links is under new owership.
Southern Nevada Golf Assoc. met with the Arizona State Golf Assoc. and have signed a letter of intent to be included under their umbrella for USGA franchise.
The major plus from the meeting, there will be no change in the way SNGA operates. This should not impact tournaments, etc.
The SNGA membership fee (our GHIN) has been increased $5.00 to $30.00 effective 1/1/2017.
The program Golf Genius will replace the TTP program. This will be available to all local clubs that are members of SNGA. Pres, Sherry Jackson, explained the program looks very different, but essentially is the same. Due to copyright infringement tabs are named differently
State Delegates elected – Beth Green of Southshore & Sherry Jackson of Dragon Ridge
Next meeting: April 3, 2017 @ 8:30 a.m.
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